    whar are the lyric for just as i am o lord

    +3  Views: 316 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    David Phelps - Just as I Am Lyrics... Just as I am. Oh Lord

    Dear Lord, I’m on my knees again
    I come to You because You understand
    I’ve tried so hard, but I just can’t change myself
    That’s why I know I need Your help

    So here I am
    This in my plea
    My only hope is Your love for me
    I’m reaching out
    So desperately
    Come take my hand; take all of me
    Just as I am

    Oh Lord, You make what’s broken new
    Why can’t I just learn to follow You
    I want to know You and feel You in my soul
    I surrender all control


    I am not afraid to follow You where You lead me
    I can leave the past behind me
    I’m forgiven and I’m free

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