    Each clear evening I look at the moon through my binoculars. I see the same surface features on the moon in the same place each evening. This seems to indicate that while the earth revolves through 360 in very close to 24 hours the moon does not rotate. Am I correct in this assumption? Tookey

    +1  Views: 552 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: the moon

    4 Answers

    the moon rotates around the same speed as the earth that would explain why you see the same areas of the moon.!
    The fact is the moon presents the same side to earth all the time so we never see what is regarded as the "Dark side " of the moon.

    The reason? Whilst the moon has an orbit around earth it does not have an axis. That is it does not "spin" as earth does, hence very low gravity.
    Moon rotates on its axis once every 24 hours so it can appear not to rotate from the same view on earth at 24 hour intervals

    Can you see our lander and rover?The moon Rotates.

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