    when did the bug crawl up colleens butt?


    -5  Views: 700 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    It was recently suggested if we give a TD we post a reason. I gave your question a TD because you were being crass.

    I think you have some of those worms with teeth eating your brain. We do the best we can to answer questions that are incomprehensible, you just need to be more specific and wait.

    Busting on colleen isn't going to make you very popular around here, she is one of the best, if not the best contributors to this site bug brain.

    "bug brain" roflmao! Thanks Leeroy :D

    when she had to pee in a cornfield! lol. if you ever had to squat like that you know what i mean. HA HA HA HA

    11 Answers

    Perhaps if you could explain what your complaint is we can discuss this. Now what exactly am I suppose to have done to you? You whined that people hadn't answered your question. I brought them the question because no one understood what you were whining about. So, what is it about that that you took offense to? Second question, which loser are you that's hiding under a new name just to be a prick to me?
    What is wrong with you? We do not answer questions that are offensive to anyone on this site.
    If you don't like Colleen's answers flatlander1234, you can always leave....the door is always open, just don't let it hit you on the backside as you're leaving.
    The same time it ran up yours, maggots and all.
    What charm school did you go to?
    Colleen seems like a very clean person to me which means she doesn't have bugs up her butt or anywhere else on her person. Don't be mean just because we couldn't answer your questions. You were asked what the saying was in Spanish several times and you still haven't told US the answer so we could help you. I can't believe I was actually going to fast forward through that whole movie just to get you that answer. Now I'm not going to.

    So BUG OFF

    LOL, thanks Yvonne :)
    flantlander - people who don't have a good vocabulary or a creative mind use nasty talk or you might say child talk. as we grow, we find better ways to criticize people and tell them what they have done that we don't appreciate.
    i think you owe all of us an apology for your unpleasant words. you owe the apology especially to colleen.
    i would not like you as a person. i do not like your presence on this site. go away. i gave you a thumb down.

    I don't even know what I did. All I did was bring the link to his second question so people would know what he was talking about. He only has 3 questions listed. I never even spoke to him. Just gave everyone the link to the question he was whining he didn't have an answer for yet.
    oh ok duh,i thought i was going to increase my vocabulary...never thought they couldn't spell.....thanks.

    Maybe you should look it up in a dictionary.
    oh my...what does being crass mean??

    take the first two letters away.

    crass means to be nasty or vulgar
    if you can't say somthing nice about some one resort to inferior supearlitives

    hey flip,thank you. i did look it up,i really did think it was slang and i apolgize for looking like i was making fun of someone 's spelling is awfull...


    No problem, and apology is accepted.

    franklin5....i find out every day i am not to old to learn soething from others.

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