    Why does anyone drink alcohol?

    +2  Views: 338 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    This is based on a survey done:

    A lot of research has been done to find and explore the reason why people drink alcohol. From research conducted in the Netherlands among 15 to 25 year-olds, the following answers came up:

    Sociability (71%)
    Like the taste (51%)
    Feel at ease (12%)
    Get intoxicated (6%)
    Get drunk (2%)
    Because everybody does it (6%)
    To forget problems (0%)

    Alcohol gets risky when you need more to feel good. If you can't do that anymore on your own, and you use the alcohol for it, at a certain point you run the risk of starting to drink more and more each time to still feel the effects. This can be the beginning of an addiction. If you drink to feel good, you should ask yourself if you can also feel at ease without alcohol.

    Enjoyment! It' nice to have a drink with good company. I do enjoy a beer and a nice Californian or Austrailian Red Wine.
    I drink (very moderately) to relax, and also I like the taste.
    some drink to escape reality i drink to face reality.
    I don't drink it at all. I can't see any value in the taste.
    I probably drink a case of beer a week. I drink only for the buzz. I've never found the taste of any alcoholic drink appealing. Beer is the least offensive to me.

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