    eloninet is having problems with voting the same people down multiple times. why is that?

    dont like black people may be? thats all the comments i see td`d

    0  Views: 829 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Bit hard to tell someones` ethnic background on the net, maybe the comments made by the person concerned do not agree with the opinion of eloninet so they are voted down.

    I don`t vote anyone down unless their comments are inflamatory, even then I report them to admin to deal with.

    they td me because i said obama didnt get invited to royal wedding because hes black. they keep coming back and td me. whats the point?

    Not sure what you mean by abbreviation td, I am from the old school where we speak English not short hand.

    The fact that Obama is black would not influence the Royals, there are several member countries of The British Commonwealth of Nations that have a black ethnic background.

    I didn't TD you but don't you think your remark is a bit racist?? I am certainly not an Obama supporter but I don't deal well with racist remarks either. I don't mind a little racial humor if its not condescending. I believe your remark is racially condescending. But this is an open forum, people can choose to TD if they want to, I choose not to..

    Who are your remarks directed at Vinny? Not me I hope, there was nothing racist in my reply to carmaxable.

    You cleared up one point TD is thumbs down. Thanks for that.

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