    How long do I have to get out of my house thats in forcloser?

    3months behind

    +1  Views: 603 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: home owner

    3 Answers

    It all depends on how quickly the bank or mortgage company completes all the paperwork. Sometimes it can take up to 6 months after you get the foreclosure notice. That is not a guarantee, you need to stay in touch with your lender to be sure.
    You will get a notice of foreclosure proceedings from the mortgage company, which will take about 90 days. Then there will be a notice of a sheriffs sale, about 30 days. Then the sheriff sale and then about 6 months will pass until you get a notice to vacate the premises. You usually have 48 hours to leave. This is if everything works like clockwork. You could stay in your home anywhere from 10 months to 3 years.

    When you get the foreclosure notice from the morgage company, you must reply to them with in 30 days of said notice. After the 30th day they will issue an order to vacate which will be issued by your local sherrifs office.You can then ask for a hearing with your local magistrate court, they may or maybe not grant you another 30 days. When the bank sales said property you have 48 hours to vacate said property. This whole matter could take from 45 days to 3-6 years. With the economy in the shape it is in now and the way the realestate fallout is it might take 3-4 years.

    Good Luck

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