    Why is it the thought of

    Why is it the thought of my guy friend wanting someone other than his wife PISSES me off... Like irrationally pisses me off... He extually said I sound like a jealous ex, I never thought that I was acting jealous.. But hearing out loud makes me wonder.

    +3  Views: 530 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    You're taking it personally, 1) for the sake of your friend and 2) because you are putting yourself in the spot of a person being cheated on, showing understanding of how the other partner would feel if they knew.

    You are reacting the same way you would if your husband were to cheat on you. So yes, your reaction might resemble jealously but not become of your male friend but because you would be jealous of any woman your husband might be interested in, if you can follow my thought here. Not sure if I explained it well. I'm sorry but this "friend" of yours sounds like a real loser and it sounds like he's trying to put his guilt on you so he doesn't have to feel it. It's like he's turning the table on you and making you defend your reaction so he doesn't have to defend his actions. He's really not much of a friend Jenn. He's a game player. You're being human and reacting in the same manner anyone would who respects the idea of marriage.

    OMG.. THANK YOU!!!! I really need to hear that.. I was questioning my own behavior. I think it would be best it is removed myself from the equation. I am the only one feeling guilty. And as much as I hate it, I think I should leave this for his wife to figure out.. I am so done being played. I I think that is exactly how I feel, 'played' THANK YOU, Colleen...

    Jenn, his wife either knows or is a complete fool herself. Get out of this now before she blames you! You might want to be honest with her. She's going to hate you anyway when she figures it out and figures out you knew but didn't tell her. She may even suspect you if she finds out you've been seeing him and talking to him without her being there.

    I have tried to talk to her... I ask how much time does he spend on his cell. And what time does he go to bed. Does she think that his female friens have good intentions. And I have to see him... We depend on each other alot.. (Our families). I dont KNOW anything is going on.. It is just so obvious to me that there is. My hubby and I have talked about it. HE sees it too.

    "And I have to see him... We depend on each other alot.. (Our families)."

    I guess I would need to understand this to understand why you need to keep an egotistical ass around and involved with your family.

    HE is my hubbies BFF.. They have business together. I keep his child.

    Ugh. That is a mess. Good luck to you.
    I think it's natural to be pissed.
    Is this a guy that's married to someone else & is looking around for more female company?
    Some men think that it is their right to cheat on their wives.I have always avoided their company.

    I hope you don't mean this is happening in your own marriage Jenn!

    He is married. And I love them both.. But am I jealous?.. or am I mad at him. Honestly he had a crush on me for a while. It was flattering at the time, but he was not married then.

    I don't think he is worth the trouble Jenn.

    It is my friend I am mad at. Not my hubby.. But my friend said I sounded jealous. I am constantly drilling him about txting and talknig to girls.

    I think he is baiting you.Don't bite.Does his wife know what he's doing?

    Baiting me how.. as in trying to "get with" me??? And she has no clue.. But you know what they say about the messanger. (they get shot).

    I think his wife has a clue. They always do. She's just choosing not to acknowledge it right now. Get out before you get caught in the middle and she blames you!
    I don't think I really understood the message Jenn.
    Why are you so concerned what this guy friend does ---when you've got a husband ? Do you ever fantasize what it would be like it you and your guy were both single and could take up with each other ?

    No.. he is kinda dumb, and he would look ok if it werent for his face.

    Did you read the whole thing? She's friends with his wife too. She's upset with him for cheating on his wife. She loves her friend (the wife of the jack ass). She wants him to stop cheating on his wife.

    K. Guess I've got eyestrain. It's 2:00 am here.
    Well crap.. my go to people are not helping me tonight.... I am completely incomplete.
    Bumping.. need counceling now.

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