    How can i stop using bath salts without absoulty loosing my temper and withdralwing?

    i have been using "bath salts" for about a month now... and i want to stop, but every time i run out i go Nuts.. and eventually leads me back to the head shop for more...Rehab is not an option... i need help and have no one that can stand to be around me long enough help me through the withdrawling.... please... they are ruining my life......

    +1  Views: 1017 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: bath salts

    2 Answers

    If rehab is not an option, then you're on your own. You were not smart enough to stay off the drugs to begin with you will have to figure out how to get off of them and stay off of them.

    Rehab is the only answer.


    Hi 6dogs never heard of this one could you enlighting me on this suject "bath Salts" is it a slang word for another drug thanks 6dogs

    Hi mel, bath salts are a new drug of choice that are being sold in shops all around the US and elsewhere. They are only called bath salts so they can be displayed out in the open, they are not illegal either, obviously there are quite a few people here that have never heard of them, which is what the sellers want. Kids certainly know what they are. These drugs are extremely dangerous (not that drugs in general are not) they are killing kids after the first use, causing psychic episodes of violence to others and themselves because of what this junk does to their brains. Very nasty stuff, cops are beside themselves trying to figure out how to get it off the shelves.

    Here is a link with more information:
    smart ass.... if only u knew what u were talking about.....

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