    what kind of oil for deep frying?

    +4  Views: 616 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    jan when your done with the oil send it to me and I'll make Biodiesel out of it

    10 Answers

    Canola Oil
    I know that peanut oil is bes for deep frying a turkey. Yum, if you've never tried one I highly recommend it.

    We will try this one for Turkey. Cheers Leeroy!

    Cool, I was looking at a great website about deep fried turkey, let me get that site back, talk to you later,
    When we owned a fish & chip shop we used blended vegetable oil."Frytol" & "Red band" were 2 of the brands.But a good trick was to put a little bit of old fashioned beef dripping (Shortening) in the vat to give it flavour & aroma.Not really healthy but makes it very inviting.

    That's how McDonalds made their fries so different from the rest. The beef drippings ;) They had to remove the beef when they went "healthy" (*snicker*) with their fries. That's why the fries are no longer so good.

    Yep,'fraid so!

    I saw an old news article about how pissed off the people of India were at McDonald's because they told them that the fries were meat/animal free, and they weren't.

    I'm amazed that it worried them.They eat goats for chrissake!

    Hi Tommyh, fish & chips are now so very often soddened in oil and makes the fish, rather than the slightly dryer & segmented fish, "oily & wet" with often a slightly soggy batter. Is that due to the fact that the fish is not immersed in "hot" oil, or is it the oil. Cheers - Maz.

    Sounds like the oil isn't hot enough.So many shop owners turn the deep fryers off when it's not busy,so re-heating the oil takes a while.When the oil is getting old it can also have that affect due to the amount of water being absorbed into the oil from frozen fish,chips etc.
    Your choice. Vegetable, safflower, sunflower...well that's all I use...maybe others have a kind they like better.
    Canola oil...a CANadian invention.
    Your right Lee from what I hear it peanut oil is nothing but the best.

    if you are cooking for other people you can't use peanut oil because of the violent reactions it causes to people who are allergic to it.Kids have been known to die from these reactions.But you are right.It does creat a wonderful flavour.

    Yeh! I never though about that,quest I wont be in business very long.
    Definitely give the peanut oil a miss if you are not 1000% sure no one is alergic to it yummy as it may be.

    I use extra virgin olive oil, canola or if money is a bit tight a blend of vegetable.

    I use peanut for extra special fish and stir fry No not together,( I will leave the unusual combinations to the Yanks)if I know there is noone with peanut allergies.

    extra virgin olive oil is great

    Can only agree Mel, versatile even in salad dressings.
    Rape seed oil.

    Rape or did you mean grape?

    Rape seed, it is a very big crop in the UK!

    your right there Maz it is big in the uk and good and healther for your body

    You should meet up with the person on here trying to get the oil off of her cabinets.

    the type of oil that made this happen                                                                     





    i did not know Algorewas against fried food now this inbread looser must be stoped

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