    What to do about cat pooping outside the box

    0  Views: 437 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Keep a close eye on the cat and if you catch it attempting to defecate outside the box, pick it up and put in into the box before it does.

    Also, make sure the box is always kept clean and all fecal matter is removed on a regular basis, if the cats extremely fussy it may have to be removed on a daily basis.

    Sometimes the reason cats do this is because they are upset, has the box been moved recently. Have you invited another cat into the house, has the cat's daily routine been disturbed.

    If all else fails, make an appointment with your Vet, explain what is happening and have a thorough examination on the cat done.
    clean outside and around the box.
    Maybe time to change the litter maybe that is what the cat is trying to say?
    One of my girl cats used to always poop on the other side of the basement, on the carpet . It was as far away from the litter box as she could get. I finally had the carpet taken up and floor painted . And i started cleaning the litter boxes every night, instead of every other night. She never pooped outside the box again.
    NOw, I have the problem of my big male cat peeing outside the box, and a lot of pee. GGGrrrrr ! He pees as he's coming up to the box, but not in it. Anybody got any suggestions ? I"ve tried taking him down there and pottying him. Some times it works and sometimes it doesn't . I just realized I didn't potty him since I got home about 9;15pm. tonight! That was about an hour and 20 min ago!!

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