    I cant afford a dentist and its an emergency

    +4  Views: 530 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Locate a dentist office near you, and explain your situation. Hopefully you may be able to set-up a payment plan. Good luck!
    Go to the ER at your local hospital.At least they will give you something for the pain & they may be able to refer you to a free dental clinic.
    Go to your local university dental school . That's what we do here. We get a lot of work done there. It's mostly affordable,and you can make payments. You can even get braces on your teeth there and make payments.
    Or, go to some dentist that a friend reccomended--and see if they'll let you make payments.

    Good answer MCM, I was going to suggest the same thing.
    try taking a 20 pound fishing line and wrap it around your tooth and pull like hell

    Are you serious ?
    emergency? broken, aches, can't sleep...?
    call one of your frineds, or family members' dentist, and ask him/ her if she/ he will let you make payments. Then tell her/ her that it is an emergency and most of them will let you right in. My dentist that I had for years and years used to take walk-ins that he didn't know and pull their tooth. And then complain about them not taking care of their teeth, after they left.

    'and then complain about them not taking care of their teeth'
    Seems a fair comment.
    You might check out Remote Area Medical and see if they are operating in your area. RAM is a charity; doctors, dentists and vets give their services free, so they are not all greedy money-grabbers.
    A sad commentary on the richest country in the world that cannot provide pain relief to its citizens.

    Many dentists will work with you if you don't have the money, just make prior arrangements. Like My cats mom suggested dental schools are usually free, they're worth a shot, but may have a waiting list. I'm not sure if they will take you sooner because of an emergency, most likely they will take that into consideration. The ER at the hospital could at least prescribe you pain medication and possibly an antibiotic that would be the fastest relief you can find, you may have to take antibiotics before the dentist can do his/her work anyway. Hope you feel better soon.

    tommyh has the best idea, the er at the hospital, good luck, i know the feeling, been there!

    Generally speaking...if you cannot afford a dentist( and really who can in this day and age unlless you have some money socked away)you can go to your local county funded hospital and they will give you some pain relief and referrals....good luck..touthaches definitely suck

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