    What about the Us of A?

    I notice a great deal of interest about my big beautiful Country (Australia).But what about the good ol'USA? tell us about where you live.You are not that different to us you know?

    +4  Views: 569 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Oh my gosh Tommyh, where to start? It's a big country. Here in New Hampshire there are lots and lots of mountains. Mt. Washington the highest in the US is here with the weather observatory on top of it. Highest wind records were recorded there. We have a small slice of coastline on the Atlantic, water is very cold most of the year but so pretty to visit. Lots of rivers and a bazillion (that's a lot) lakes too, we have no lack of water here.

    I've heard of it & want to see it before I die.Thanks 6 dogs.

    Sad thing about the the White Mountains is that they lost their Old Man. A natural formation that looked like an old man's face coming out of the side of the mountain. The old man died a few years ago when he collapsed and fell off the mountain. A natural fixture, gone :(

    i think it was tourism terrorist.

    My husband said it was the awful Governor we had at the time, everyone (even the people that voted for him) found he was just terrible. A lot of us blamed the Old Man falling on him, LOL!
    Just grin & bear it PL.Let the poor buggers brag a bit.It's good for them.:)

    you guys must renumber a lot of them came from the same stock as us, Ripley's Believe it or not!
    ed shank

    I just realized that I've never heard anyone say anything negative about an Australian. Why?

    Because we are all bloody good blokes & bloody good shielas,That's why.LMBGO
    I'm from SE Ohio and it's a beautiful part of the country with rolling hills and small farms. Hi in the 90+F range lows -20F or less. Snow can reach 20'' or more yet roads are keep clear. Flags are on most homes and we have a manger with baby Jesus in it on the town square every year.

    I notice All of the flags when I was over there & liked it so much I adopted the habit on my own home.(OZ flag of course).We are in the middle of winter,It is 22 deg celsius (About 72F).Clear blue skies & a beautiful day.
    And we call this winter!! :)
    Headless Man

    I would love to come down under and visit, but can't afford it yet.
    I believe Australia is where we were before we got so screwed up, stay that way.
    If I drive the speed limit, it'll take me 5 to 6 days to go from left to right coast. And there's 2,187 McDonald's along the way. :) Now what other country offers that?? LOL

    Over here you can drive that far & not see another house let alone Macca's:)

    And they say the world is overpopulated.. We have the Mojave desert, about 25,000 sq miles of nothing with the highlight being 'Death Valley'.. I think we can cram a few more million there, probably Mexicans. LOL

    I don't want to turn this into a pissing contest Vinny but we have cattle stations (Ranches to you) that are bigger than some U.S. states & some European countries.
    We are the same,thousands of sq.miles of desert,funnily enough there is water there.Underground.There are many similarities between our 2 countries.

    You're too close to the Antarctic.. :)
    Tommy you bloody nong, next you will have them believing they are human.
    We like you are very proud of our heritage. I would be impossible to describe the beauty of this country, it is so diverse geographically as are the people living here. Our country is going through some trying times now, but we will pull through this as we have in the past. We are resilient, and determined to remain the one country that the world can count on in time of disaster. The world also knows by now, "If you F**k with us, we will get you".

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