    how do you train a dog to fetch its dog collar?

    when we are ready to go outside, just the word outside get him going tail wagging, smiling, but when we tell to get his collar he just sets there. how do we get him to get the collar and bring it to us. or the newspaper?

    +1  Views: 532 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Hold the collar in front of him, make him touch it with his nose, give him a treat when he does. Progress to putting the collar in his mouth, give him a treat - continue until he understands he needs to put the collar in his mouth. Start putting the collar on the floor and make him pick it up, give him a treat. Put the collar in it's usual place, make him pick it up, give him a treat. It's a slow progression, taking a step at a time, but by giving him a reward he learns that it's what you want him to do and because of the food - he will do it.
    country bumpkin

    Do you think they ought of give him a treat? LOL

    country bumpkin - dogs are all about being willing to do most anything for FOOD! Give them a tiny piece of cheese or meat or dog treat, that's enough.
    You don`t because if you do youwill be pestered all day to go "walkies"

    If you insist on becoming so pestered 6dog method is the correct one.

    My dog stands at the cupoard door or gives a "special" look and it is hard to refuse her beautiful face looking up at me. Love that dog.
    country bumpkin

    "Walkies"? You are an ole softy.I won't tell

    Maybe being a Aussie I should say"lets hit the wallaby'
    which is Aussie for walk a long distance. In case you are not aware of Aussie talk.

    I am and a old softie and not ashamed to admit it. :)
    Why do you regularly take the collar off of him ? Next thing you'll expect him to do is get his leash and pick up his own mess. Come on, he's a dog !
    not shure

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