    Why is diesel so much more expensive than regular fuel ?

    Ive heard diesel is first to be produced in the process.

    +4  Views: 513 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    It is a matter of greed, because their are so many so called 4 wheeled drive vehicles on the road the oil company;s decided to rip them off, the govt. won't do any thing as they are in the oil giant's pocket plus the tax on it. yes you are right about the process of dieseline, it not much different than what comes out of the earth. the price is up in europe, nth.america and australasia.
    In France, diesel is now about 1.25 Euros/ litre, and petrol (gasoline) about 1.45 Euros. Most cars are diesel on the continent.
    As to why the price of diesel is greater than perol in the UK, I have no answer, except that the fuel companies can charge more so they do.
    GREED. My diesel gets great mileage so the pain of the ripoff doesn't hurt as bad.

    That is exactly why Diesel is now more expensive than Petrol you get more to the Gallon out of Diesel cars and there is now as many if not more on the road than Petrol ones that they are charging you for the privelage of getting more milage per gallon than you do with Petrol that and their sales of petrol have reduced .So you now pay a premium on the Diesel car that you buy due to it's more expensive manufacturing cost so called and on the fuel too thus defeting the object of having a Diesel car in the 1st place
    supply and demand , they supply it and demand more and more money, when i was a kid diesel was always cheaper!

    Oil is priced in $US  and as the €uro is having a hard time at the moment the price has risen again. Now diesel at supermarkets is about € 1.34/ litre and petrol (gas) is about €1.55/ litre


    Here in west texas diesel is 3.79 a gallon. Regular gasoline is 3.29. .

    In Germany diesel is also cheaper. I tank SUPER  a L. 1,55 €. ( but the chanche the price everyday- nowone knows why )

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