    Does anyone know how to do a fishtail or herringbone braid for long hair and need step by step instructions or video thanks

    +1  Views: 276 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    1 Depending upon your own personal style you may want to do this in front of a mirror. I know of some people who swear by a mirror and then I know others who prefer to do it by feel, only looking in the mirror when finished.

    2 Begin by parting your hair down the center using a comb. Now, starting on the right side of the part you just made, twist a one-inch segment of hair away from your face.

    3 Now, use your comb to separate a ?-inch section right below the first section along the side of your face. Now, twist that piece away from your face and combine it with the first segment of hair that you did in step 2.

    4 Continue repeating step 3 all down the side of your hairline until you get to your neck. At this point, use a clip or bobby pin to hold the hair in place at the nape of your neck.

    5 Now you are ready to begin the process on the left side of the part, starting at the forehead, as described in steps 2 and 3. Continue twisting until you reach the nape of the neck.

    6 When you reach the nape of the neck with the left side of the hair, you are ready to unclip the right side that you have previously completed. Hold both the left and the right side in two separate sections. Do not combine them!

    7 You are now ready to pull a 1/2-inch segment of hair from the right section and add it to the left section. Now, repeat this by taking a ?-inch segment of hair from the left section and adding it to the right section.

    8 Continue adding the ?-inch sections of hair all the way down to the end. Secure the braid with a hair elastic. Lightly spray with hairspray to catch any loose hairs and to secure your style.

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