    What was the best book you read as a child?

    +4  Views: 3230 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: books

    13 Answers

    Follow my leader by James's Garfield. It is about a boy who is blinded in a fire work's mishap his journey of learning of overcoming and gaining a guide dog. Great read!""


    You're welcome

    THE BOXCAR CHILDREN series....

    "Sweet William".When I was 10.I can't remember the author but I giggled all the way through it!
    Camping and Woodcraft , a 519 page book describing life in the west before and during the gold rush period in Northern California where I now reside. I was 8 at the time and resided in Forth Worth Texas.

    Robinson Crusoe - not the children version...


    Authors home is 10 miles from mine.
    Lower Largo, Fife, Scotland.

    If I ever come to visit Scotland may I meet you?
    My favorite book to read to my kids when they were little was Hooper Humperdink.... "that Humperdink, I don't know why, but somehow I just dont like that guy"... I think I still have it memorized.. and the kids are 11 and 15... LOL....
    the ugly duckling :)

    You didn't get out much, did you? LOL

    Hahehe :)
    The Little House on the Prairie series. Nancy Drew, read all the books. Can't think of a favorite book that was just a single.

    I loved them too! Also read lots of stories about wild animals!
    "gullivers travels"....not sure of the author .but it was the coolist book asa kid
    'The Rainbow Painter'.
    The Great Trek by Ian Idress. Tells the true story of the Jardine brothers who drove a mob (herd for the yanks)of cattle from southern Queensland to Sommerton on the very top of Cape York. The purpose was to set up a supply point for ships.
    I read it time after time, the Jardines were attacked by "black fellas" had to contend with mosquetos so big that they were later used a a design model for the 747 Jumbo. Floods, poisoned water. One hell of a story for a young Aussie bushie kid.

    I was a "Comic fan superman.cowboys "Hopa-long cassidy Roy Rogers .Batman. DC. comics great.  got them sent over from America. 


    The bible as a kid? Seriously? Did you read any fun books? Did you even understand it as a child? Did you just say bible because it sounded right and you thought people would think highly of you because of it? Are you overly religious?

    wow colleen , lmao :)

    Aww, come on, you have to agree with me on this one, lol

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