    Why does everyone blame global warming on the earth, Maybe ther is a problem with the sun, If I burn my toast I dont blame the bread!!!

    +4  Views: 525 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    You have it right. Go to: The person who runs the site is an English Astro-physicist. Al Gore has made billions out his global warming lies. Now in Australia, we have to put up with lying Julia Gillard. Every day, she changes her lies. The only time she's not lying is when she's asleep.
    It's not global warning anymore. It's now called climate change.
    The sun is the correct answer. It is the increase of the sun spots that has raised the temperature an average of one degree on earth.
    i blame it on al gore for writing that book "an inconveinant truth/lie..they had to chop down half the rain forest to print enough copies...

    have you ever seen the energy use comparison between his house and george w als uses about 4 times as much energy

    I agree robertgrist.The oil coys have a lot to answer for but everyone in every govt is scared to confront them because of the power they wield.We need to start looking for (REALLY looking for) alternative power sources.The efforts so far are completly piss poor.If the USA could land a man on the moon 40 years ago surely someone could have come up with a viable alternative by now.I don't think electric cars are the answer,it has to be a lot more convenient than that.Most of them rely on a small petrol engine anyway.
    The light coming from the sun indicates that the sun is burning more helium than hydrogen which may be a periodic swing seeing as we haven’t tracked this data very long and are really short on data table that provide us with enough data to produce reliable forecasts. So lacking reliable data while we advance in our methods of gathering data….we come up with the magical number phenomena which points alarmingly to dooms day with certainty if the numbers are true …no, only a history of reliable data tells us what is true and what is not true. If when we ring the bell everyone runs out of their house with camping gear…lets sell camping gear with the slogan “when the bell rings will you be ready with our camp gear?”

    I can’t help but to notice we are still burning oil at a furious rate. Someone is not doing their part to save us from global warming…especially the oil companies who are most responsible for the global roast. How can they be so cruel? Aren’t there any answers? Whoever has the answers isn’t talking so it is up to you to solve the problem because the industry obviously has no interest in an answer.

     Global warming is a joke , the earth is just cycling again.

    The real blame lies with we humans, not the sun nor the earth. Our use of items that destroy the ozone layer above us.

    That's old lies. Look again (research). There's nothing wrong with our ozone.

    i always thought that we were ruining our ozone by using chloroflurocarbons. thats why they quit using them.

    Thanks carmaxable. Nene43
    Man the alternative power sources are a reality now we just aren't going to get any until the Oil companies sell their oil supplies then watch all the miricle energy sources come about

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