    can drinking 1 1/2bottles of wine a night give you liver damage?

    +2  Views: 646 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Oh, yes. My sister was a wine drinker (and not that much) and the liver damage it caused killed her……….


    Sorry, Julie!

    Thank you, time heals all, etc……….

    At least it is easier to handle, maybe not a cure. Bless you.

    So right, so right……...

    Thank you for sharing that with us, Julie, even tho' it was painful for you. You might have just saved someone from drinking a lot of wine.

    So sorry for your loss Julie.

    Any amount of alcohol taxes the organs, if in moderation (not 1 1/2 bottles) your body can cope with it.  Like a drink or two a day, may not be too bad, if you are healthy otherwise...  However, if you also take medications, all of this is not true, you should not drink with most medications in your system...

    Rule of thumb is one glass a day for women, two for men. Any more would be considered over drinking.


    But how big is the glass ?
    terryfossil 1

    MCM, never big enough

    Standard size, but not filled to the brim like coffee.

    5 ounces, isn't it?


    That's a lot of wine , journey. Your liver would be working in over drive.


    I think I gave you a TD,,didn't mean to' I'm on a slate & this is hard

    Just hit it again, to cancel it.

    Hey Journey,1 and a half bottles a day is far to much..It takes 1 hour for your liver to burn .6 of an ounce of alcohol,,and there is .6 of an ounce in 1 standard serving of beer,wine....there is about 25 us fluid ounces in a bottle of wine,,i am working this out on Aussie Booze,,your liver has enough problems burning the normal problems of life,,like anything in life mate,,you can over work it,,it is not a part of your body that heals itself very well,,,,give it a lot of thought mate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,always nice talking mate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



    Lindi, that picture looks like Santa is wasted. hee hee

    A glass and a half a day ought to be a maximum for most people, even that's probably a bit much everyday. They say you should have a couple of days a week alcohol free, I have one glass most days, I try not to exceed that ,and I do try to have a day most weeks without any.


    Ive had a lot of days without any lately sunny.

    Well it's good for you to go without now and again Dennis.
    terryfossil 1

    for those that control it,go for it,,,for those that are controlled by it ,,leave it alone

    That's a good comment Terry. I agree.

    I Totely agee herry,Hic blup fart,where did i put that bottle,
    terryfossil 1

    Gidday Hec.. I know what you mean by where did i put that bottle???i used to sleep in a cemetery in the bad old days,and i hid my pills and booze under so many headstones,and i could never remember where...

    Only jokeing terry,i dont drink very much now,but am glad you have got it under control,i use to like the wines,but have given them a rest as well,

    If you drink a bottle and a half in the morning and the afternoon too, the damage would be a lot swifter.


    they say 1 or 2 glasses a day is a good thing. love yourself! cut down a little.

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