    how do i send a note

    0  Views: 218 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    1. in what way: used to ask or report questions or to introduce statements about the manner in which something happens or is done
    "How do I open the window?"
    "I don't know how you manage to sew so neatly."
    2. to what extent: used to ask or report questions or to introduce statements about the quantity or degree of something
    "How high is the roof?"
    3. like what: used to ask or report questions or to introduce statements about the quality or success of something
    "How was the movie?"
    "We didn't realize how interesting the lecture would be."
    4. used in exclamations: used in exclamations to emphasize a word or statement
    "How nice to see you!"
    5. in whatever way: used to indicate that it does not matter in what way somebody does something
    "Do it how you want."

    transitive verb cause somebody or something to go: to cause somebody or something to be moved or taken to another place
    2. transitive verb communicate something: to transmit information or a message to somebody who is somewhere else
    3. transitive verb command somebody to go: to ask or command somebody to come or go
    4. transitive verb enable somebody to go: to enable somebody to go somewhere special
    "Let's send the children to camp this summer."
    5. transitive verb refer somebody somewhere: to suggest that somebody go somewhere or see somebody, usually for a specific kind of information
    "He sent the student to his colleague for advice."
    6. transitive verb bring something about: to make something happen
    "Our blessings were sent by a higher power."
    7. transitive verb propel something: to make something move or travel by pushing it or hitting it
    "A gust of wind sent the papers swirling around the office."
    8. transitive verb drive somebody into particular state: to make somebody enter a particular condition
    "The delay is sending her into fits of frustration."
    9. transitive verb excite somebody greatly: to excite or thrill somebody intensely ( dated slang )
    10. intransitive verb comput be transmitted: to be transmitted or transmittable
    "This e-mail won't send."
    11. intransitive verb telecommunications broadcast information: to transmit information by telecommunication
    "The operator was still sending when the power was cut off."

    jotted record or summary: something written down, often in abbreviated form, as a record or reminder
    "Fortunately, I'd made a note of her phone number."
    2. informal letter: a short written message or informal letter
    3. official letter: a formal communication in writing, especially between governments
    4. item of supplementary information: a piece of additional information about something in a printed text, usually given at the bottom of the page or at the end
    5. U.K. money
    Same as bill1n (sense 7)
    6. finance
    Same as promissory note
    7. musical or vocal sound: a sound of a distinct pitch, quality, or duration produced by a musical instrument or by the voice
    8. symbol in music: in written or printed music, a symbol representing a specific sound
    9. key on keyboard: a black or white key of a piano or other keyboard instrument
    10. indication of mood: a tone in the voice or in writing, or an attitude or atmosphere, that indicates feelings or mood
    "a note of urgency"
    "The meeting closed on an optimistic note."
    11. hint: a hint or suggestion of something
    12. distinction: distinction or excellence
    "a writer of note"

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