    I recently had an ankle injury, slipped, and heard a crack........x-ray shows a hairline fracture of small bone. I was told I need to wear a cast for 6-8 weeks. Is there any other remedy to hasten recovery instead of just wearing a cast so long?

    How long will the swelling remain? are their any ointment, cream or anything that can hasten my recovery? How long will my rehab be?

    +3  Views: 618 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    The swelling woll be there for a good 10 days... A hairline fracture is a brake. You need to wear the cast... YOu can ask about a walking cast. But there in no therapy or ointment that will heal a brake.
    If a physician has told you to wear a cast, I believe he is much more qualified to make this decision that other people. Do as he has instructed you to do and you will heal very nicely in the amount of time he has suggested and there probably won't be as many problems afterwards.
    My sister broke her bone down by her ankle just a few months ago. She wore a soft cast for 6 weeks then the doc gave her another smaller brace but it didn't work well with her shoes since she is a nurse. So she said the heck with the whole thing, wrapped it in an ace bandage and it is just now getting better. It has taken over 3 months to get her to the point she is at. Seems nothing really heals these things but time.
    A cast has been put on your leg for a reason, not just for the sake of making you uncomfortable,as frustrating as it may be just let your leg heal.Rushing the process could cause further problems later.
    Dr. Robert O. Becker…"Having observed in his clinical practice that broken bones sometimes failed to grow together, he set out to study experimentally why, and if external physical conditions could improve the growth. He found that a DC current through the broken bone (about 1 nanoampere) would greatly improve the growth and fusion of the bones. During this work, Becker found it significant that lower animals had much better regeneration capabilities: Salamanders could regrow lost limbs, while frogs seemed to be a little too high on the evolutionary ladder to achieve this regeneration. He studied these animals for years in order to find out why evolution caused impaired regeneration capabilities, and whether electric fields or currents could stimulate regeneration. His experiments and theorizing could be regarded as a continuation of the similar work of Harold Saxton Burr. Becker thought, like Burr, that some sort of field encompassed the body, governing and stimulating regeneration. He found that an electrostatic field, positive away from the limb stump, could enable regeneration of a frog limb.” Wikipedia Robert Becker
    In my studies of these processes his work led to the development of several electrical devices to accelerate healing. Others have used a similar process to eliminate cancers that had previously been diagnosed as incurable. Their work has been historically attacked by various medical groups seeking to denounce these methods that undermine their authority. It’s application continues to be controversial and proponents attacked. Similar methods have been in use since the rise of the Egyptian culture and earlier in China.
    After my Neck was fused I was given an electronic magnetic machine that is used to help regenerate growth in the bones more quickly than not using the machine. I can't say if it helped or not. It felt good. My neck is fused, even though motion is limited I can at least hold it up better than I could prior to surgery.

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