    who is to blame for the nation's worst recession?

    +1  Views: 513 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Deregulation of Wallstreet, greedy Bankers and Polititians.
    All of us. But mostly the people we vote into office. If we all got together we could beat this recession. But it is really hard at this point because everyone is just trying to get by. We need a whole new crop of people to represent what "WE" want and not themselves.
    i blame the politicans who's biggest agenda is just to get re=elected.why woud some one spend 12 million campaining for a job that pays 120 thousand a year,if they cant solve that equation how in the world can they fix the econemy.
    We must learn from our mistakes or we will repeat those mistakes until we have learned and keep what we have learned by our common and mutual understanding. What we learn must be taught and understood by our children and our children’s children. Every generation must learn how to make fire and control fire or suffer in ignorance. There are many great lessons earned by our ancient heritage that are now forgotten but for a few small numbers of people. Those “secrets” belong to all of us and withholding them should be an epic crime because it is a crime against humanity.How to make cloth, and paper,and gather salt, and make glue, paint, wax, alcohol, concrete, string, wire, a lens, tools, a compass, measure, treat wounds, cuts and abrasions. We have a generation that are out of their realm if asked to wear shoes with laces or set a fire in a fire place or clean a live fish to prepare for a meal. Being brilliant on game-boys does not translate outside their little boxes. The do know how to change a battery.
    Bahahahaha.. Who isnt to blame????
    I think its all to do with greed no body is satisfied in any thing we have we just want more and more this also includes the bankers who get commision of millions a year ans of course the politicans and I think the people have to take blame as well

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