    Using phone in USA

    0  Views: 1844 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: phone in using usa

    When you come to USA just get a go phone they are very cheap, you will be able to put money in there and use it while you here and just toss it when you goback


    You are welcome


    Can I buy a travel bundle from Orange for use when I go to USA? If yes how much to text UK/ ring UK


    Thanks Andrew will do

    4 Answers

    The only clear answer to this question is... YES!! Using phone in USA!! See, its not to hard to come up with the answers if you concentrate on it..

    OK, and whats is your question?

    I agree with Andrew....When someone travels to a foreign land they will have to face roaming charges if they stick on to the original carrier they are avoid the roaming charges one can either rent a mobile in the foreign country or use a local sim.When you rent a mobile be careful to read the regulations and lease period.Renting a cell phone is advised for those who are traveling overseas for only one or two weeks.

    Or get a second hand/cheap go phone.

    Another option is to use a local sim with your mobile.For that your mobile should be unlocked one so as to accept the sim card that you insert.If it is locked with a particular network then it won't be able to recognize or accept other networks.To unlock your phone you can approach the respective network provider or any third party unlocking websites like and remove the restriction.Once the mobile is unlocked you can use the phone with the local sim.

    Choose an option depending on the number of days that you stay and the one that is economical for you.

    Hope my information is useful.

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