    Do you think its unfair for a Women not to want to date a Man with Kid's?

    +9  Views: 2787 Answers: 27 Posted: 13 years ago

    Nope that goes either way if they do not like kids why would you want them around?????

    27 Answers

    I think a woman or man should only date those she/he feels comfortable with whether its fair or not. As for me, I've dated (and married) someone with kids twice, and feel blessed because of it.

    good on you, but not for me
    maybe if both partners had kids, kinda of like the "brady bunch"

    Yep,that's my situation....Me:two from a previous marriage...My Husband:three from a previous relationship...and last but not least child together,definitely the ''Brady Bunch''.LOL
    I can't say whether it's fair or not, but I can say that it's a very complicated issue. To me either someone loves you or they don't and if they aren't willing to accept you for what you are then it's just better to move on.

    It maybe that she's selfish, or possibly it's just to much for her to take on at this time. I don't think that most women mind kids if they are respectful and well behaved. If they are handfuls it may make anyone take a long hard look.
    I think it is a sign of a strong woman.... Too many weman are just looking for someone to love them and will take any guy that shows interest... TO me having standards that you set for your mate is a sign of maturity and self respect.
    ed shank

    I know first hand what children can do to a relationship. My step father and I never got along till later in our lives. It caused many problems between him and my mother. I would have told her to take a hike.

    jenn Im not religious but amen
    No I do not think it's unfair. Kids from previous relationships complicate new relationships. I would not date someone who already had children either.
    ed shank

    Agreed, neither would I.
    Too much baggage. Colleens right. All it takes is one pissed off kid and the relationship is sunk anyway. Who needs it?

    thanks for the vote up.
    Not if she does not want kids nor more kids and you would not want someone in your life that did not accept your kids and you as a package deal would you?

    Very true.

    I think it is a personal choice and not wrong if it makes you uncomfortable.

    Well I don`t think I would want to date a woman if she brought her kids along.
    no i don't think it's unfair,just move on probably not your type anyway..
    I dont see why not. Its good Dad, that keeps his children, and should not be punished, by femalea who do not want to date him.

    Thanks for voting down my reply. From answers I have read, Im confused now. Does main question, mean, for Dad, to take his children with him on a date,OR he is a man, with children, at home. ???
    steve billman

    thats what these women are doing. seduce men use the child to break them, even more and shun them when they are being responsible for being MEN,fathers and mothers. i would say give him a standing ovation. god bless
    I think it's fair for a woman not to want to date a man that has children if she has no children of her own,however the older a woman gets it becomes more challenging to find a man with no children at all,years ago I personally would not date men with children,but years later after my divorce,It wasn't practical for me to not date men with children when I had children of my own,I have three steps 11,12,13 years old and I love them very much,we had to except each others children because it came with the package deal.:)
    My wife married me with four kids, she had never been married before and had no children of her own, she was a third grade teacher, so she could handle them.

    You found a Gem

    Amen, Ann.
    Headless Man

    Believe me I
    She may end up minding them.


    It's a matter of choice.  Men can ask the same question too.

    For me, it's not a question of fairness.  If you love someone, you accept the person as she is.  Like the Bible says, "Thy people (her kids) shalt be my people, and thy God, my God!"


    I dont think that its wrong for a woman not to want to date a man with kids, she may have issues with her own kids or maybe she just doesnt have kids at all- who knows, she may just be over the whole kid thing altogether

    Aww. Im a woman and I don't date people with kids. Just personal choice.

    news flash life is just a vapor sometimes an unfair vapor move on dont dwell on negitives

    It is not UNFAIR.  I think, if a woman knows she is not "up" for a relationship with someone who has children, she is being incredibly unselfish to walk away from someone who may have fallen in love with her and been hurt more when she couldn't commit to a permanent relationship with him.

    It may hurt her, too, because she loves him, but if she knows she can't be all she would want to be in that relationship (which includes friend/stepmother to the children), better to not get involved.

    steve billman

    are you a fortune teller? everbody you meet is not going to be you babys daddy!unselfish! please!

    That's right. Everybody is not going to be that person (Yo baby's daddy/mommy). Unselfish because SHE may be giving up a man she loves and wants to be with. To understand that those children are the priority and to step aside is a considerate act.
    I am certainly no fortune teller; I made the mistake, so I am speaking from personal experience and my opinion.
    If my sons were still young and at home, I would never let a man who didn't want kids being in my life. Those kids are a top priority; when some guy who isn't "DAD" gets top billing at the kids' expense, it doesn't lead to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    I don't think it's unfair, it's up to the individual, depends what the kids are like too, sometimes they can cause more problems that it's worth.

    No, I don't think it's wrong, there maybe many reasons why a woman wouldn't want to commit to a family rather than an individual, I personally, having been through the mill as many have here, did not wish (selfishly maybe) to have to deal with anyone else s "baggage".I wished an uncomplicated life, have already raised six children and would not wish to start again. Fair or selfish, I doubt I could do more than go through the motions of caring for another family.I work hard, long hours and would not wish to come home to the demands children place on your time, for me it would be an injustice on them.

    In the first place one must be strong and never enter into a relationship blind.  Therefore if one, man or woman does not want to date or is not ready to share time with another who has kids, thats ones own choice.  There is nothing to be  fair or unfair about.   In fact it is honest respect for another.  For some, where kids are concerned, man or woman, this is something they would prefer to do for themselves.    

    Unfair?,no. Unfair to whom?. There is allot to be said for the"ready made family" good,bad,truth or lies. Just understand the difference between choices an limitations. You could very well close an avenue down in your life. Without really ever traveling down that road. The one person you might be unfair is to you. 

    depends on the personality of the person and what they can handle

    It's a personal choice of any person whom to date or not to date, there is nothing good or bad about, it's just about choices we make.

    It's no worse than a man not wanting to date a woman with kids.  It's what each person is comfortable with.


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