    I have a computer virus; explain why and what can i do to fix it for 0$

    0  Views: 690 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    You can get a virus from illicit websites, clicking on free offers, opening spam mail and clicking a link in them, there are so many ways your computer can get a virus. That's why it's so important to have a good anti virus on your computer. This first one I'm going to give you should remove the virus from your computer. It's free. Download it by clicking the green download button (not the blue or the red one). Make sure you delete your cookies and close all web pages before you run a scan. The scan may take hours depending on how many files you have in your computer. Run the deep scan option. Once it's complete, follow the instructions to have all virus's it caught quarantined. Once you've done that, come back here and pick up the second link. It is for a free anti virus that should protect your computer from all virus's as it updates itself daily.

    Install this one first and run deep scan (this one has to be run manually each time you want to use it. You also have to update it everytime you use it as it does not self update.):

    Install this one second. It will stay live and update daily (click the green download button, not the red ones):

    Gr8 Stuff Colleen.I used your links myself.Much appreciated.

    They are good anti virus's and neither one have the tracking cookies the ones you pay for have. Remember to update malwarebytes (the first link) every time you run it. It does not self update.
    If you have a virus or malware, run the programs Colleen suggested in "Safe Mode". A better and more complete scan will be performed than when in standard mode.

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