    Are you naturally left handed?

    When I was in grade 1 (1953)my teacher used to wrap my left hand in a towel so that I couldn't use it.What would you think if some teacher did that to your kid these days.I don't know whether she thought it was unnatural to be left handed or whether I was just to hard to teach that way.

    +9  Views: 921 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    My first grade teacher would smack my knuckles with a ruler to try and stop me from writing with my left hand. When that didn't work, she'd take me in the back room and use a switch on me...that didn't work either. She finally got so frustrated one day, she took the big heavy dictionary off her desk (you know the one, about 3 books thick) and she slammed it down on my hand. My hand swelled and was still swollen when I went home. My mother threw a fit and called my father home. My father went to the school the next day and in front to the whole classroom chewed my teacher up one side and down the other. He told her to NEVER lay a hand on me again or he'd hit her. I was born left handed and that's the way I would be and the way he wanted me to be. I never saw her so scared! LOL He might have been an abusive man himself but no one else was going to abuse his kids.

    According to old biblical belief, it's the sign of the devil to be left handed.

    yes I have heard the devil thing.School was tough here too back in them good ol' days.Teachers could hit you for anything they deemed necessary & with anything they could lay their hands on.I once had a wooden pencil case broken over my head.If anyone ever did anything like that to one of my girls they wouldn't see another sunrise.

    Apparently left-handedness is greater in lesbians.
    Wifey is a lefty but is straight(ish).
    She was forced to write right- handed in school but is now ambidextrous.
    King George VI was a lefty and was forced to use his right, hence his stammer. (The King's Speech)

    Because you find out I'm a lefty you decide it's greater in lesbians? LOL I'm trying to think here but I'm pretty sure I'm the only lefty among my lesbian friends. My brother is a lefty but he's straight so that don't count. Interesting. I'll have to see if someone has researched this. Heck if it's the same for gay guys, you just might have figured out homosexuality. LOL

    Not so Colleen, I read it some time ago, long before akaqa existed. I have no problems with gays, lesbians, or lefties.
    Headless Man

    I think the left handed decimation was a man made thing, you will need to show me were the bible teaches this.

    Old testament Randy. The one you people threw away.
    I'm left handed too. Do you guys know that everyone is actually born left handed and that it is only after we commit our first sin that we become right handed? LOL So I guess we left handers are pretty darn special.

    LOL, cool! Proves my statement when I say I do not sin. Earn karma, yes, sin, no. :)

    oh dear!!! that does sound like BS to me!
    I am left hand. But fire a weapon right handed. We are all in our right mind...

    I hold a bat right handed but catch left handed.

    Well a bat is a weapon..LOL
    depends on the website

    Dirty old man.LMAO
    Can't do damn thing with my left hand other than lift something. Frustrating at times.
    Sorry, looks like I'm the old ball rightly
    Im left handed, apart from writing.

    yes I think there are lot of us out there.

    So Dollybird and Tommyh - you both are ambidextrous???

    To some extent I am ambidextrous.I can do most things with my left,Kick a football for instance,I write with the right hand but I can use power tools in either hand even tho most are designed for right handers.It was always handy in my trade.(Carpenter).

    Hi Yvonne57,
    I use my left hand the most.
    nope, i'm unaturally right handed, but i can write backwards with my left hand naturally.......!

    Tommyh - you poor thing. Did you happen to go to Colloquial school? Being Left or right-handed is a natural occurrence. So is being ambidextrous.

    No it wasn't a colloquial scool (Whatever that is LOL)
    These days I am reasonablt ambidextious but write etc with the right hand.This practice was pretty common back then in Australia.

    Easier term for colloquial school - Catholic School, Christian School, etc. I know that back in the old days it was the devil's doing if a child was left handed say - 1953 LOL.

    Varon - thanks for the TU - is it left or right thumbed?

    Been left handed at school in sewing class was great, teacher could not check my sewing, because to her, I was doing it back words. lol

    Hey guys!!! It's not colloquial school. It's parochial school (religious school) pronouned par-o-kial - sounds almost like colloquial.

    Well 6dogs4us - you are right. I didn't go to either school apparently. Don't I feel stupid. Thanks for the correction. and TU to you. I guess I left my brain in Philly with my grandchildren, the cheesteaks, pizza and Italian water ice....yummmmmy.

    FYI colloquial - acceptably informal language
    Parochial - religious school
    ampidextres sorry cant spell that I use both hands but mainly for wrighting I am right hand though i do paint with the left hand as well weird eh
    I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

    My father is my mother is right handed I seem to be hamfisted

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