    why my dods ears stink

    0  Views: 1442 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago


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    6 Answers

    What Are the Causes of Dog Ear Odor?

    Dogs with floppy ears are prone to ear infections that cause bad odors. basset hound image by Christophe Fouquin from

    Dog ear infections are common, especially for breeds with floppy ears. They can cause discomfort, pain and stress to the dog (and the owner). A dog shaking its head and scratching his ears might indicate an infection. After the infection has progressed, many pet owners notice a foul odor coming from the ears, as well as yellow or black discharge in the ear area. It's now time to seek out the cause.

    Many ear infections are signs of allergies. Fleas, medications, food or inhalants could be to blame. Other causes include grasses, pollen, dust mites and mold. While humans typically have respiratory allergies, dogs usually start to itch. Several medications, such as antihistamines and anti-inflammatory products, can relieve allergies and prevent foul ear odor.
    Foreign Substances

    Some dogs have ear infections that result from dried grasses, ticks and seeds. The infections produce ear odor. The dog often contracts an infection when it rides in the back of a pickup truck or hangs its head out of a car window.
    Ear Mites

    Ear mites cause most dogs' ear infections and ear odor. They can be passed from dog to dog, or between cats and dogs. Ear mites typically cause heavy wax buildup in the ears, which causes the odor. You can eliminate the infection and smell by applying ear mite medicine or multipurpose monthly spot medicines.
    Bacteria and Yeast

    Both bacteria and yeast can grow in dark, warm and moist environments, which describes a dog's ears. When this occurs, the dog creates more wax, and the ears become inflamed, leading to ear odor. These types of infections also occur after swimming. Clean the ears weekly and towel dry the ears after swimming to prevent this type of infection.

    Some breeds, including spaniels, schnauzers, poodles and sheepdogs, have hair in their ear canals. When wax and debris cling to the hair, infections may develop and cause ear odor. Removing the hair, by plucking or shaving, can help to eliminate this the problem.

    Read more: What Are the Causes of Dog Ear Odor? |

    Read more: What Are the Causes of Dog Ear Odor? |
    ear infections reed what coleen had to say she is spot on exuse the PUN
    they prob stink b/c there is wax adn other crud inside. So, clean them out, or better yet, let the vet do it.
    Ear Mites can made a dog's ears smell, too.
    A dog's ear should be cleaned on a regular basis. Some dogs ears tend to get dirtier quicker than others, so inspecting the ears once a week is a good idea.

    Adding a little to this.

    Cleaning means an ear cleansing solution one can get from a vet (perhaps even a pet supply store, I've never looked. I get it from the vet). Never used Q-tips in a dogs ears. Never put anything down a dogs ear canal other than medicine or cleansing solutions unless otherwise instructed by the vet and after he/she has shown you how to safely do it.
    Ear infection.

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