    My hand soap "Dial Complete", a pale green liquid smells very nice but it is like water. It is a foam but comes out like someone watered it. I was very dissatisfied with this product because of the watered down feeling. Is this the way it should be, if it is I will no longer purchase it.

    Can you please let me know if my purchase of "Dial Complete" has been tampered with. Thank you, Julia Nardi

    +1  Views: 274 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Have you tried shaking it to see if it needs to be mixed better before squirting some out to use. If it's the foaming type, probably is just the way it's supposed to be.

    Doubt that anyone would tamper with this type of product, especially if you haven't had any type of rash occur.

    Suggest you ask your question of the manufacturer. Their 800 number is usually on the product.
    If your not happy take it back for a refund.

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