    how do I unlock the pop-up mode on this computer?

    0  Views: 803 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Internet Explorer 6.0 on operating system Windows XP Service Pack 2
    1.From Tools point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click on Pop-up Blocker Settings
    2.Type in the box 'Address of Web site to allow' and click Add
    3.Set the Filter Level to Medium: Block most automatic pop-ups
    4.Click Close

    Firefox 1.0.x
    1.From Tools select Options
    2.Select the Web Features icon
    3.Ensure Block Pop-up Windows is not checked
    4.Click OK

    1.From Tools select Options
    2.Select the Web Features icon
    3.Click Allowed Sites
    4.Type into the field
    5.Click Allow
    6.Click OK

    Mozilla 1.7.x
    1.From Edit select Preferences
    2.From the left hand side menu, click on + to open Privacy & Security
    3.Under Pop-up Windows, tick the check box for 'Block unrequested pop up windows'
    4.Then select Allowed Sites
    5.Type in the box 'Allow pop-ups from the following web sites' and click Add
    6.Click OK
    7.Click OK

    Opera 8.x
    1.From Tools select Preferences
    2.Under the General tab ensure 'Block unwanted pop-ups' is activated in the Pop-ups drop down box
    3.Click OK

    Note: When using 'Block Unwanted Pop-ups', your result on our Viewing Tips page will still be FAILED, yet pop-ups will work. A PASS will only be noted if you select 'Open pop-ups in background' or 'Open all pop-ups'.

    Netscape 7.x
    1.From Edit select Preferences
    2.From the left hand side menu, click on + to open Privacy & Security
    3.Under Pop-up Windows, ensure the 'Suppress pop-ups' radio button is selected
    4.Then select Exceptions
    5.Type into the field and click Add
    6.Click OK

    Mac Users

    Opera 8.x
    1.From Opera select Preferences
    2.Under the General tab ensure 'Block unwanted pop-ups'^ is activated in the Pop-ups drop down box
    3.Click OK

    Note: When using 'Block Unwanted Pop-ups', your result on our Viewing Tips page will still be FAILED, yet pop-ups will work. A PASS will only be noted if you select 'Open pop-ups in background' or 'Open all pop-ups'.

    Safari 1.3.x and Safari 2.x
    1.From the Safari menu, ensure 'Block pop-up windows' is unchecked

    Mozilla 1.7.x
    1.From Mozilla select Preferences
    2.From the left hand side menu click on + to open Privacy & Security
    3.Under Pop-up Windows, tick the check box for 'Block unrequested pop-up windows'
    4.Then select Allowed Sites
    5.Type in the box 'Allow pop-ups from the following web sites' and click Add
    6.Click OK
    7.Click OK

    Netscape 7.x
    1.From Netscape select Preferences
    2.From the left hand side menu, click on + to open Privacy & Security
    3.Under Pop-up Windows, tick the check box for 'Block unrequested pop-up windows'
    4.Then select Allowed Sites
    5.Type into the field and click Add
    6.Click OK

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