    Did you know three earless bunnies, were born near the Fukushima power plant?

    +1  Views: 2035 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: animals

    10 Answers

    god only knows what other abnormalities lay in store.

    That's right. It's much worse than people have been told.
    its called radiation as 6dogs pointed out what else we here about or see cant bear to think about it its too upsetting
    No, I didn't know that. Is anyone looking into it? I know it was just a freak thing, has nothing to do with the power plant, right?

    It is a freak thing, and has happened in other parts of the world. Although you can never be completely sure, it likely had nothing to do with the power plant. And it was one rabbit.

    It wasn't one bunny it was three bunnies. The melt down is much worse than what they have been telling. There are nuclear rods in the ocean. I guess we will be getting fish with legs next.
    The power plant was the one hit by the tsunami and all the radiation let loose. The bunnies were just one of a long line of things that are going to come out of that tragedy.

    I'll say and it's much worse than they are letting on. It's worse than Chernobel.
    That's cruel and horrible...... those useless power plants...and they're thinking of constructing them in Australia..

    That's right, the greenies love them. I'd like to take Bob Brown and his mate and give them a drop-over on top of the Fukushima power-plant.
    Headless Man

    I would not call them useless, just built in the wrong place.

    I don't know so don't go a yelling at me -- I'm just saying:

    I have heard from reliable sources that our very lives would be threatened without nuclear power. We can't make it on our own with our power cars and family houses that could contain three families.

    Parts of the U.S. might not have electricity. Transportation of goods to the market place would have to change.

    I know about Fukushima. Strange but the day of the melt down I was invited to a reunion of all Japanese people. I didn't go but I've wondered how that day went. (I'm not Japanese)

    Truly, I don't know nuthin'


    I wasn't yelling at you. I never yell at anyone.
    I suspect it was a typo and should have read "three fearless rabbits"

    I din`t think there were rabbits in Japan.

    No, they were earless, pet bunnies.

    no, wow that is amazing! there was once a three faced cat and now it is preserved in a jar xx


    Was it your cat?
    courtneey !!

    no, it was in the guiness world record boook xx

    hey Eggy,just imagine what they could do with your chooks.

    3 Legged chooks that you don't have to pluck.

    This weeks special,Fukushima chickens just $3.99 a Kilo.


    Good one Tommy, the only trouble is they'd all be glowing.

    Tabloids again   huh??

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