    What gas sold in USA does not contain ethanol?

    0  Views: 265 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Everything like lawnmowers, snowblowers, line trimmers, rototillers etc. all have to have an additive put into their tank along with the gas. The one that is the easiest to find is Stabil.
    It depends on the individual stations - you have to ask them or look for "100% Gasoline" stickers on their pumps. They are out there, but are hard to find (maybe 5% of stations in the mid west, possibly different elsewhere). It is getting even harder with the huge # of ethanol plants built in the last 10 years, and the phasing out of the MTBE additive. Ethanol contaminates the groundwater much less than the methyl tri-butyl ether it is replacing.
    all of it! The retailer asks that the ethenol be ADDED! You (and I) the consumer can get ethanol free gas at any lake or ocean marina. The ethanol is destroying our small engines! I've had to trash three small engines and buy two carburators,,, so far.It seems to be especially harsh to the two-cycle engines...

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