    What does God mean to you? :)

    I dont know where id be without God

    +7  Views: 589 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    When I wake up and I say my prayer, he is there, when I go outside and marvel at the beauty of his creation, he is there. He is there in good and bad times. A steady companion who never lets me down. Thank you lord.
    My protector.
    everday all of the above dreams/hope/someone I can talk to and i know he is listening and if every one belived in him I am sure the world would be a better place
    God, means every thing to me.
    God,Alpha and Omega, he means EVERYTHING to me.
    He means my life,my soul,my everything,my purpose,my dreams,my hopes,my world,my universe,my reason to wake up everyday...even when I don't want to.:)Jesus is lord and lord is Jesus,it works.Iluvjesus!!
    God gives me hope, I know this world can be a cruel place and without hope our lives seem almost pointless sometimes. The world is now under God's Curse (Genesis 3:17) because of man's rebellion against God's Word.

    This “bondage of corruption,” with the “whole world groaning and travailing together in pain” (Romans 8:21, 22), is universal, affecting all men and women and children everywhere.

    God did not create the world this way, one day God will set all things right again. In that day, “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain” (Revelation 21:4).

    So when we wonder why there is suffering in this world there is an answer, we live in a fallen world not the way God created it. This is a result of the fall of man, and every man or woman on this earth has sinned. The penalty for sin is death, unless you have forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Someday things will be set right thanks to His sacrifice one the cross. This is why everyone of us can have hope.
    Hope, Love, Father.
    GOD! mean everything to me,in this world of ours,good or bad,I think that's the purpose of it all.We sometime get angry with GOD when thing don't workout the way we want them to be.
    Absolutely nothing! I'm a very Happy Atheist ;-)

    Then why bother to comment? Kinda pointless don't ya think? :/
    Grit Savage

    "sigh" Read the question again Tami! love 16 asked and I answered.
    that's the whole point of this site! ;-)

    Yup, the question does read, "What does God mean to you?" Grit gave a valid answer.
    "I dont know where id be without God "

    Well, you for sure would not be here (in the world)

    I cannot imagine without God in my life. God means everything to me.
    Peace of mind.

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