    what is the average slip and fall settlement?

    I fell in hole outside of a store and now have soft tissue damage. Sprained wrist, knee, hip and shoulder

    +1  Views: 1012 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    I was walking into a store and fell on the sidewalk into one of those holes that they have tree's in. The tree company had not but a tree back in the place they took it out of and I fell in that hole.
    The store owner ran outside and got me ice for my hand which had started to swell. He told me that he had called the manager of the complex several times to come fix the hole.
    In the end all three of them agreed that it was there fault it happened. Store, Complex manager and tree company.
    I have 3 people that saw it happen and I have a sprained wrist, shoulder,knee and ankle.
    Went to ER and got x-rays to prove what happened too.

    Thank you everyone for your help in answering my question....

    2 Answers

    Big bucks. Got a witness or video? I had an incident at a 7-11 store. Had witnesses, and a broken ankle. I settled for a measly amount (27K), but they did pay every doctor and rehab bill. No lawyers involved. I was told much later that I could have gotten close to 100K if it went to court. Go after them, find an attorney who will take your case on a contingency basis only. P.S. I get 10% for this wealth of knowledge I have just bestowed upon you. Good luck.

    Thank you for your answer. I am hoping that they will at least give me enough for my medical. I have soft tissue damage and bruise bones.
    I have gotten an attorney however, he acts like I will be lucky to get $12,000
    If I should get more I will send you a gift card for your answer.

    Lynn Beth
    ed shank

    Thank you for your offer. Find another lawyer, your injuries sound serious, they will come back and haunt you years down the road. Don't forget the attorney will take approximately 50% by the time he pads his bill. Insist all medical bills be paid in addition to compensation for suffering. If your married your husband can sue as well for services you could not provide will injured and recuperating. If your attorney didn't mention that look for another. Good luck again.
    The average settlement would of course depend upon the extent of your injuries (and you have some serious issues there), witnesses are of course important...did you report the incident to the store owner or manager or any employee? Also like ed shank states get the best lawyer that you can find out about....they will usually take your case on if they feel you have a case and their fee will be a percentage of your settlement so they'll do their homework...also I trust that you have been to a doctor and can get his statement as to the extent of your injuries....I'm sure there are other factors involved...these are all I could think of offhand...good luck to you! (I hope the store is a big one with lots of liability coverage!)

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