    How does Thank You wk? I clicked on it but did not see anything happen. Was it an Automatic message? Or did I miss something? Also I accidently clicked on an idiots answers as a best answer in addition to the real best one by Karma. Is there any way to fix that when begining to use this?

    0  Views: 639 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: using aka

    3 Answers

    when you click on "thank you" only the user thats being thanked will know when a red dot appears as far as marking a best answer it can be undone by by clicking under best answer its say unmark as best answer.. good luck and click away..
    Who was the idiot??
    ed shank

    Oh no it was me.

    If you need to ask Tommy you know the answer.
    I am not married or a descendent of someone from another country yet I want to become a EU citizen? I live on ssi. IN the USA. I want to know what county has the easiest laws that an American can move in there Country? Some require huge amts. of $$$. Some also require you to start a business. I just want democracy,low cost of living,seasons-prefer warmer weather,and able to get by w/o having to learn language as a Older person. I will try. Also want small towns vs. capital. Public transportation makes this ideal!

    Wrong place for your question, you already asked once, so please wait for answer if someone has one.

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