    whats the difference between ocean front and ocean view?

    +1  Views: 916 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Ocean front would be property which extends to the ocean's shore. Ocean view would be property from which one could view the ocean, but would most likely not extend to the shore.
    Probably about $50,000.00!

    You've got that right!!!
    Ocean view means if you are on a balcony and can see any part of the ocean, they consider that ocean view. Ocean front means you are facing the water.
    i can tell you a quick story abot some developer that had property they sell it off as ocean frount then build another row of condos in frount and sell taht off as ocean frout, they did this a third time . majority of the condo owners didnt read the fine print all that well as it was a senior park. i now know its under federal investtigation for over 15 years now.
    The problem with Ocean view is that in a year or maybe a few there could be a larger condo built that will block your view. It happens all the time here in sunny south Florida.

    Sometimes they just knock down the older shorter buildings and build a brand new 20 story building where the older 5 story building was. So Ocean View is a gamble...
    I hate false or deceptive advertising. When its written as an ocean view it should be more than a glimpse from the corner of your balcony. But 6dogs4us is right its at least a $50,000.00 difference.

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