    How can you tell when people are lying?

    What tricks do you use and what tips can you give to identify when someone is lying to you?
    The question relates to instances when you can see the person.

    0  Views: 966 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: telling lying

    9 Answers

    If they are politicians you can see their lips move!

    ole hipster

    A definite good answer!

    You have to know the person first but a lot of them I know you can tell they are lying if their lips are moving.

    Well depends who's lying to you,if they had time to prepare their lies or if you caught them on the to speak.Aye if you got them on the spot then look out for the usual classics not keen on eye contact,nervy,agitated.will tend to answer questions with a question or volunteer more info or background than needed,overly friendly or willing to help these sort of things.As for the practised or prepared liar you need to be sure of your facts before so you can pull them up for lying or else take it all with a pinch of salt till you can verify the truth


    i know all the tricks and treats , don't worry hahahaa

    If HE/SHE is a politician they're lying.

    Look at their eyes..usually a dead giveaway I have found.

    they also try to change the subject away from the main, to avoid been more nervous, BUt some people like ME can get away with lies so easily, (professionals) simply practice, start from small lies with youre siblings then go up to more dangerous lies, with teachers, parents, enemies, sometimes friends
    heheeheeehe, i can teach you on the art of lying if you want? but gonna cost haha

    Ms Sinclair

    How do we know you're not lying about being a good liar?

    Ms Sinclair

    Oh dear. This is getting very complicated. I'm sorry I asked.


    you will never know...


    or maybe you could ask me something , but then again, you will never know...


    or maybe you could test me somehow, but then again you will never know

    they get pretty much nervous, which makes their voice shake, they try to avert their gaze away from you

    Well depends who's lying to you,if they had time to prepare their lies or if you caught them on the to speak.Aye if you got them on the spot then look out for the usual classics not keen on eye contact,nervy,agitated.will tend to answer questions with a question or volunteer more info or background than needed,overly friendly or willing to help these sort of things.As for the practised or prepared liar you need to be sure of your facts before so you can pull them up for lying or else take it all with a pinch of salt till you can verify the truth

    They fidget and have a shocked look in their eyesTRUST YOUR INTUITION

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