23 Answers
I do worry too much. I read a good statement a few days ago. It said......Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday....I do worry about things ahead. I am self employed and never really know if the work will keep coming in. When I look back all the things I worried about in the past have worked out ok so I think the quote above is very true
13 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Thats right. 30 years I have needed work and never run out yet I worry. Stupid
friendindeed, I am self-employed too and have the same worries 'cause I don't know for how long I will be able to keep my business going. I went from having twelve full time employees to four. NFG.
Hi varon...Its to be your own boss. Not o goo when sick or on Holls. The money stops. Wouldnt change it tho. All the best to you
I do worry about the future of myself, my family, my country, the world and everything. But, I always try to think positively, so I don't worry about the things excessively.
Recently, a chain of bad things has happened to me financially and as for my career. It's amazing how bad things come at me at the same time altogether. I've been under for a few weeks. But heck, how many times have I come back from the failures in my life? Many, many! I will overcome.
Recently, a chain of bad things has happened to me financially and as for my career. It's amazing how bad things come at me at the same time altogether. I've been under for a few weeks. But heck, how many times have I come back from the failures in my life? Many, many! I will overcome.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Aw...what a great attitude! It is hard, sometimes, to see a way out! Hope things turn around for you soon! Good luck!
I feel comfortable financially at this time, due partially to a hobby which allows me to generate additional money. I am getting a bit tired of the amount of time I have to put into these projects, and the deadlines. My bodies telling me to chill. As long as I've got my old lady and my health that's all that matters. The future looks good for now. (Please no comments about The "old lady" remark, she's heard that since she's 15).
ed shank
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
My hubby calls me that too.. It is indaring... But I still slap him around a lil when I hear it.
I dated her at 15, but I still am a filthy old. My wife's jaws get tight if I call her my old lady in front of a customer.
I worry my warts off...lol. Recently I decided that all my concerns were literally killing me so I took post it's and wrote "Right Here Right Now" and put them all around the house just to remind myself to stay in the moment. I am fully aware that most things we worry about never materialize but trying to stay present is quite difficult when you are so well worry trained.Raising teens is the most challenging thing I have ever entered so worry for them is a habit. Advice would be great as to how to just give this up;)
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Mom years ago I was diagnosised with siezures.. the doc told me I am a prime canadate for stroke... (that worry could actually kill me)I just let it all ride. Life is going to happen... All I can do is handle it when it gets here.
I appreciate your advice...I want to feel relaxed but it seems I have so much riding on my shoulders and no help. I know this too shall pass I am just stressing with our trip in two weeks and trying to work extra hours and deal with the kids and house and and and. i know once we get home i can take a breath...this feeling of drowning is stifling.
Stressing out can cause the feeling of drowning because everything comes at you like a giant wave. Have you written everything down you need to do and what will happen between now and the trip? And even on the trip? Get a calendar or journal and write down everything and when it will get done. Be as detailed as possible and necessary. Then once it happens, check it off and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. This will help break down the giant wave into manageable "drops of water" thinking, and your mind will say, "I won't have to deal with that little thing until such and such time or day, so I won't worry about it." :)
I worry my warts off...lol. Recently I decided that all my concerns were literally killing me so I took post it's and wrote "Right Here Right Now" and put them all around the house just to remind myself to stay in the moment. I am fully aware that most things we worry about never materialize but trying to stay present is quite difficult when you are so well worry trained.Raising teens is the most challenging thing I have ever entered so worry for them is a habit. Advice would be great as to how to just give this up;)
ed shank
ed shank
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Be greatfull you have them, some couples could never have kids. Can't tell you how many times I wanted to stick my foot "through" his ass. Now I miss him.
You have a point...I love my kids...it's just going through the teen thing alone can be overwhelming at times, especially when I can't seem to get through to them about the issues they are choosing. I know it is all part of being individuals and creating their own path. It is just hard to watch sometimes.
Just reinforce your love for them by telling them, and doing what a good parent is supposed to do. They will eventually see the light. Wish I heard those words while living at home. Life may have been different.
I don't worry about my future,but i do tend to worry about my little grandsons future,i am his sole carer and if anything happened to me,gosh i dont know where he would end up.Like any parent i worry also if he will get into drugs or drink or even a life of crime.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I think we all worry about these things. I have been where you are and in the end all workred out good. Keep going
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