    why is my life hell?

    +9  Views: 4163 Answers: 33 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: life

    33 Answers (31-33 Displayed)

    If you could give us more details about why your life is hell, mabye we could help you.

    Things are not as bad as they seem. Stay positive.  It'll get better for sure.


    I would here like to add further thoughts upon my former comment, regarding ones circumstances and/or situations.  These are not caused other persons, but by ones own inner thought processes, which have attracted such persons into ones life.  The Greater Power of the worldly group consciousness, not withstanding, for we are here addressing “the individual,” only.

     For oft we find ourselves blaming others or the world for our unhappiness or situations, yet the key to change lies within our selves.  For what is in us is magnetic ever attracting its like, for the like is ever attracted unto its like.

     For Natural Law, Natures Laws are the perfection of Gods Laws, these laws were given or placed in mans “creative hands.”  All the laws of man from the beginning have in turn evolved from these first.  Although this when Inspired by Spirit through the Conscious Mind (Self-Awareness), is the Spiritual Intent in men to It’s the higher application, for the benefit of the all world.  Animals have not but the One Mind of Nature while men have both; Conscious and Subconscious Mind, the Consciousness being the Programmer, by thought, the Subconscious being the application, reflected in circumstances or conditions.

     Natural Law, the Mind of Nature perfect sets the magnetic pattern which is the cause; which can be seen in the Herding or Schooling and the conflicts of most all the Species of our Elemental Friends.  Thus Animals are the perfection of Gods Laws for even in the brutality they do not break them, they fulfill them; they are perfect.  These same laws are in men, but by the Inspirited Conscious Mind man may over come the brutality of his baser Nature; this is the Great Work.  

     The finally: Ones thoughts are as of herds, schools or flocks, gathering to one another, whether, positive or negative, good or evil they ever gather more of their like; worry begets more worry, anxiety more of the same etc and etc.   Even the quality of ones friends are a reflection of this, unbending, natural law, for they are ever a reflection of what is in one.  Thus they reflect our needs and our glories, our sorrows or joys.  For like or circumstances, they tell us what is in us.  These things these laws can be the measure for our own personal works.

     Thank you for your indulgence my friends and as always, let them that are able hear it, “who” can.  Amen                

    One must ever seek for the Good, in spite of the chaos, for it is around us all, in this "Plane of existence," the lowest realm of all the realms and dimensions.  There is none deeper, this is the realm of the shadows; it is Hell .   "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall see no evil."Yet it is the greatest for in it only in and through its trials may the consciousness of God be found, not without but within, this is Light of this world.

    This is the only realm wherein the great strides, may be made toward this Holy Conciousness.  Its is ever present to and in our awareness of the Good, this is the seeking and the journey.   This is God's image in the world of men, his image and shape is what is Good and holy and just and virtous and fair and last but not least, forgiving..   For only by forgiving may one realize the former; awareness of God within.

    Jesus spake from the very cross, "Father forgive them they know not what they do."   For they were in ignorance having not the visage of God or the Good in their hearts.  Can we who love and seek the truth of this do less.   The trials, troubles and sorrows will soon begin to fade in the light of this understanding.  God Bless and Amen, I say unto you.      

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