    Does anybody knows customer contact # for MarginMart?

    I need to contact them about some product that we purchased from them and seems like we cant find any contact phone number for MarginMart, is it even legit company or its scam?

    0  Views: 5806 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: scam

    I have had the same problem when trying to contact them however, I found their facebook page and it lists their phone number there. I tried calling it, but no one answered and I got a generic home answering machine. Feel free to fill it with your complaints and comments as needed:
    MarginMart Phone # (510)868-6077 *listed as US location*
    011-45718996 *listed as India location*

    I still can't get in touch with MarginMart; has anyone been successful.
    er guevo

    I was looking to buy an item they have (lamp proyector) but I was trying to call the campany to find out if it was legitimate , all I found was this number on facebook page they have 011-911-145718996 and this is the link but I think it is not a legitimate company so be very

    WARNING: Do not buy anything from MarginMart.

    I bought an item and it was defective. I reported it to them and they sent me an RMA. They agreed to a refund and to reimburse me for the return shipping. They lied. I received the refund but they reneged on the shipping. Since then, they have ignored my repeated attempts to contact them about the shipping.

    5 Answers

    You need to sign into the website before it will work.

    Yes I found that website but its not usefull website, it doesnt work anything I click in there has no response
    If its working for you, can you get the contact # for me, because everytime I go there nothing works
    Yes I found that website but its not usefull website, it doesnt work anything I click in there has no response

    I just clicked on this link and up in the top righthand corner is a "Contact Us" link. You need to do that.

    I have had the same problem when trying to contact them however, I found their facebook page and it lists their phone number there. I tried calling it, but no one answered and I got a generic home answering machine. Feel free to fill it with your complaints and comments as needed:
    MarginMart Phone # (510)868-6077 *listed as US location*
                                          011-45718996 *listed as India location*

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