    Are You A Workaholic?

    +7  Views: 1085 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    12 Answers

    Not any more.  I retired and found it difficult to not stay on the run for a while.  Then I learned the pleasure of sloth.


    Now, You just kick back and enjoy life. :-)

    Oh Pamela I have to admit yes when I get a job its all hands on the deck and wont stop until its done I will eat and sleep it worry about it until the job is finnished not good for anyone around me but I am sure everyone knows me now good question lol


    Yes, Mel I feel ya. That's the way I feel with most of the projects that comes across my desk. :-)

    thanks pamela its auwful to be like this oh well never mind a :-)
    I work hard and I enjoy my work, but, I would not classify myself as a workaholic.

    Used to be. Times are changing

    I was at one time before all the health things caught up with me.

    Now more of a


    Could you be speaking of alcoholic beverages? lol! Now, you see it's better to work it out, then, to drown and sorrows. :-)
    Headless Man

    No, never got that habit.
    I have no sorrows, good life so far........

    Thanks Randy! Glad to hear all is well with you. :-)

    playhard work hard, i love my job if i had

    I gave it 100%, but no job ever dictated my life. When the work day was done so was the job. Never took it home or thought about it once I left the building.

    When we got on the Job we did what was require of us,routine thing,day in, day out.Now am retire and have trouble sitting still,for any length of to keep on moving even when it  hurt.ouch!ouch! don't touch me!!

    Yes, when I worked with the Hong Kong Government.  Now I am retired.

    I’ve tried all sorts of addictive behavior after having first studied how folk think who are  addicted. When you really understand addictive behavior and thinking the mystery is gone. I thought I had missed something about drug addiction and went for heroine, that didn’t work I took heroine for a month(IV) steadily increasing my dosage level like every addict wants to do. Smoked optimum at the same time. I hated it and quit, never looked back. Took five days to quit due to physical addiction and not even interested since then. All addictions are 90% mental and 10% physical. Some folk like to feel exhausted and delirious. Work addiction follows the same pattern and the pleasure-pain centers in the brain fire the same endorphins that can be rationally interpreted as pleasure or pain. So you get to choose your own body chemistry interpretation and work like a maniac or sloth out on a couch. Addicted behavior is that irresistible urge to continue what-ever because it feels so good to compulsively continue. That is all that matters….to the exclusion of all other possibilities.   

    It's  great to have time off, but i love my job of 35 years & meeting people. Shoeing horses has become a way of life and i really would miss it. 


    One morning the farmer went out at sunrise to feed the horses, he fed all of his horses but one. As he was walking to his mare's stall to feed her, he discovered she wasn't there. So he told his wife and they looked for her all day and finally at sunset the farmer opens the door to the barn and discovers his mare with her head in a half empty bag of sweet feed, and the farmer yells to his wife: "FOUND'ER!"

    Yes I must admit I work very very hard trying to do the best job I can and cover all bases so to speak.  I believe that the job I do reflects on the person I am not just the Company I work for.

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