    DVD player keeps skipping

    My DVD player keeps skipping and gets very blocky looking and then sometimes it just stops I tried cleaning both the lenses of the dvd player with dvd lens cleaner disc and cleaning the dvds nothing seems too work.

    I'm looking for other solutions besides cleaning the lenses. What's out there?

    0  Views: 1712 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    We got a new DVD CD recorder and player that done that. It was the unit and we had to replace it because the warranty had run out before we discovered it, a year later.

    Top Cat - Maybe you can suggest a DVD program that I can down load to play movies, I do have an excellent DVD Recorder - Superscribe- in my Computer tower and havent been able to play movies, games etc. Custom made, doesn't recognize the Rom or DvD recorder. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. :)

    try cleaning it



    Quote Volcane: "I tried cleaning both the lenses of the dvd player with dvd lens cleaner disc and cleaning the dvds nothing seems too work. I'm looking for other solutions besides cleaning the lenses. What's out there?"

    Its clearly broke! invest in a new one dont bother trying to fix it you may elecricute yourself !

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