    What bibles better the King James one or the one the rewroe after it or the one before King James ???

    if i follow the king james version i can covet they neighbors wife so i was just wondering which bible i should follow. the revised one, the king james one or the new testiment that started with christianity ? 

    if i follow the king james version i can covet they neighbors wife so i was just wondering which bible i should follow the revised one, the king james one or the new testiment that started with christianity ?

    -2147483647  Views: 677 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    The Ethiopian Bible is said to be a most welcome read... as are the writings of Enoch which are not included in the English bible versions.Enoch writes of giants and dream interpretations and moon signs and calendars and UFOs and being with the god[s] ... among other things. Spectacular material.

    4 Answers

    why dont you just create your own bible to suit your own needs?
    Just as well Henry VIII never did a version of the Bible.
    I was unaware that James changed the 10 commandments....

    HMMM guess u dont read the King James version then because its changed to thy can covet thy neighbors wife

    not in my bible they didn't
    My ans to this question,would haft to be,if you read the King James
    version,you would not need to ask the question.all the ans are in there,unless you wasn't intend spend any time to read it,yes I agree there are many version out there.There is a way to finding the right book,Just ask God doesn't want you lost in His words
    God will help those,that are willing to help themselves you,and others, I can understand your frustration,you may need to go somewhere peaceful,by nice river were there no distraction,and really focus,day by day it not to hard for anyone,not to understand.

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