
    I bought a computer from a vendor[Computers 4 Less], they are located at the Schillingers Road Fles Market. I bought the computer used. The computer is very slow, and the speakers never worked since I had it. I called the phone number on the reciept yesterday with no answer or callback. I called again today and let the phone ring ten times thinking an answering machine would pick up, but it did not. This afternoon the vendors wife called me back tell me to never call that phone again. She was very rude. VERY RUDE. I never even got to tell her my problem, so what do I do now?

    0  Views: 1028 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: computers

    3 Answers

    states attorney generals office .. they thrive for the consumers satisfaction!!
    describe your computer and how much did you pay ?
    you can go to the better business beural and file a complaint with them. if it is a problem of predjudice you can go to the human rights commission.

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