    Ipad and PC - what do I need?

    What software do I need to install on my PC. Henry

    0  Views: 356 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    iPad is a hand-held computer platform running an apple operating system (whereas your computer is running a windows operating system). It can operate independently from your computer so you don't need to connect it. However, if you want to sync your ipad with your pc, you will need to install iTunes and follow these instructions (you won't be able to sync all the features listed on the page, as some aren't cross-platform files). However, there is also an application you can install on your iPad that will allow you to access and share your pc programs and files on the iPad - it's called AlwaysOnPC.
    The Solution for Dummies for sharing files between a pc and an ipad is to simply email or upload them online, and then download them to the computer/ipad. Again, you can't share programs, so you will need the right applications installed on both platforms to do/view what you want.

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