    What do you consider the most important appliance in the house

    +9  Views: 779 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    Micro wave. I would have died years ago, if it wasn't for that machine. I am completely "cooking stupid".

    me too,but the fridge is 1st.with me ,it makes ice cubes for brandy&diet coke.
    My wine fridge cabinet. That's my baby. I can always find alternative ways of dealing without ANY kitchen appliance but abstaining from wine at 53F is unfathomable.
    ole hipster

    You old wino you! lol

    I recall that when I was an alter boy, I noticed how the 3 church priests had different wine to water ratios when I was called upon to pour the two liquids into the chalice. One in particular kept lowering the cup,a clear signal to keep pouring the wine while jerking it upwards the moment the first drop of water exited the (other)bottle lip. True story.
    Refrigerator. During prolonged power outages due to weather, I realized how much I depend on it.
    First the computer, then the coffee maker.

    Oh yeah! the coffee maker.
    Computer and com services. Through it bills are paid, appliances are repaired. paperwork is nearly abolished, we are entertained, informed and educated. we take classes on line, diagnose problems in my garden, plan vacations, make appointments, respond to friends, notices and announcements.
    I have to go with the fridge, it has changed the way we cook, eat, and shop for food. You could always cook on an outdoor grill, or fire if you didn't have a stove, but if you had meat and no fridge you better eat it fast...
    My wife.....Just a wee joke. I our Dishwasher.
    Definitely the refrigerator...stove next...dishwasher is right up there...unfortunately I am the dishwasher in my house! (:
    Refrigerator, We had a power outage for a week just recently and we had to rent a generator
    The air con.I live in Queensland.
    My Hoover
    I cannot buy an appliance that does the washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning etc.. that i can talk to, be my soul mate and my best friend. Without being sexist here ... MY WIFE! .... (I also do my fair share around the house when i am not working).
    My darling wife

    Thats funny. I did not know that a wife is an appliance.
    The toilet
    Water heater, i cannot do without a warm shower...

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