    what is a Davis Industries 32,cal.pistol worth

    0  Views: 381 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Wow from what I have researched for you on this pistol its not worth much. apparently it's made very cheaply and is not accurate beyond 12" past the muzzle, assuming it will fire when you pull the trigger. There seems to have been a couple e-bay auctions but they have closed. i found one reply elsewhere of about $35.00

    Side note:

    The .32 is a dangerous round, not the bullet or the gun but rather whatever living thing you shoot with it as it'll only piss em off and they will kill you.. I know of one such incident many years ago where a guy was shot point blank 4X in his back, he put the shooter in the hospital with a broken neck. he too went to the hospital but was out in three days.. Not a very good defense weapon.

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