    Challenge anyone? What if everyone of us made it our priority to do at least one good deed per day for someone and not expect anything from them in return but to pass it on anyone up for the challenge?

    +3  Views: 488 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    My good deed for today. My neighbor came over to ask me who this little Boston Terrier belong to that was in his yard. I asked if the dog had tags, he said yes. He also said there was an address on the tag. I asked if he was going to take the dog to that address. He said, "No, not my problem." I went over to his house, got the dog took her to my house, read the tag, found a phone number and called it. An elderly woman answered. I told her I had her dog and asked if she wanted to come get her. She said she has no car, can barely walk and can't leave anyway because she cares for her husband who has dementia. I took the dog to her. My neighbor is a jerk for not caring. He has a dog himself. I bet he would be happy if his dog ever ran away and someone took the time to find her owner.

    Colleen that was very very kind of you indeed and yes your neighbor sounds like a real jerk tis sad there are more like him in the world than like you. Kudos for what you did.

    I'll see if I'm given the opportunity to do another one tomorrow.
    I mow my elderly neighbor's lawn. My dog waters his trees.

    That is so great of you to do that. Honestly there are very very few people that would do that now days, but as for the trees that your dog is watering, he is probably killing them LOL but the poor thing has to go and a tree is the next best thing to a fire hydrant for the dog.....
    Frankly...I have been doing good things for others pretty much all my life and I am getting weary! (:

    A cyber hug for you ((((hipster)))) It's the best I can do to give something good to you :)

    Yes I too am weary but moving forward I must and hope to see ways to help others along my journey in this thing called life.
    pay it foward..........

    Yes daren good movie, good idea for all.......
    I try to go out of my way for people every day.. Even if I dont leave the house. My family appriciate the little things.. As far as strangers I would rather ppl not know who or why someone has done something for them. There are many ways to do that.. Pay for somes meal, grocery or gas... If someone compliment my jewlery or purse Itake it off and give it to them.... Everyone need to know ppl care.

    Can you teach me that Jenn because I too would rather help anomonsly (know that is spelled wrong but I also know you know what I mean) I want to help in any way I can but I would rather be a behind the scenes kind of person and not up front if you know what I mean. I am trying to learn Jenn.
    I interface with many people in the course of the day, I honestly can't recall a day were either my advise, or something a simple as loaning a tool, or physically helping someone with a problem didn't make their day a bit easier. It's nice to be nice. I like the fact that they trust me enough to come to me for help. But honestly, I do it for myself, It makes ME feel good. Mother always said I was selfish.
    ed shank

    Yeah, me too, count me in.

    Yes I too think that one receives more in the giving and doing and yes it probably is selfish but I hope in a good way.
    Count me in. :)

    Thanks I believe even one person can make a difference if trying to do good. Thanks.....
    This is my game, the more its shared the better it gets for everyone…who is the winner, everyone.

    I think one gains more by giving than receiving but I am sure there are those that would argue that point ........
    My good deed for the day will be to answer at least one good question a day.
    This is my good deed for today, thanks.

    Thanks Randy I knew I could count on you thank you you may not be a hugger but you are a good guy I hope you realize that......
    Headless Man

    Thanks, Darci, you two.

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