    Religion - WHY???

    Why do you believe in God?

    +2  Views: 5045 Answers: 63 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: religion

    (this is to friendofgod) Yeah well I was just wondering what made certain people start believing in God. I personally am not religious so technically your comment is a matter of opinion. I believe in the theory of evolution (Darwin etc...) not every person being made by God who gave us life. It is a very controversial matter, so instead of assuming you are right, you could look at both sides of the argument first. I, personally, don't think that I am selfish, or that I have "desire to gratify the flesh", as you 'tactfully' put it. I just don't believe in God, so try not to assume that everyone believes the same things


    (continued from previous) you.


    Everyone is given by God a measure of faith to believe and everyone is given God's word to learn either by print or by mouth or by the Holy Spirit. THe question would be more accurately-Why do you not believe in God? THe answer to this would be selfishness, the desire to gratify the pleasures of the flesh rather than worship the One who gave you life in the first place.

    63 Answers (61-63 Displayed)

    It explains things better than atheism. For example, many people feel that science rules out God. We need not rely on God anymore, they claim, because science explains everything. These people have, themselves misunderstood the episteme of the scientific method. Materialistic reductionists must postulate an eternal universe in one form or another; an effect without cause. This becomes a problem for them, in that the practice of science relies on the assumption of cause and effect. Even the so called quantum non-causality is explored scientifically with implicit faith in cause and effect. We must,in a theist's view, posit atemporal(eternal) immaterial(because matter necessitates time) self existent (omnipotent) being. Hence God.


    well sologos it sounds like your beliefs have closed your imagination to any other possibilities other than your stringent observations perhaps created by the subtle brainwashing of society which feeds off the reliance of a need for some to bask in a perceived god security blanket, a case of create and relate gone unchecked


    its always the same story with the god belief theories bible quotations,burning bushes,faith without question,well manipulated rhetoric,smoking mirrors,ideology based upon flimsy foundations that attack rational thinking with the common catch cry FAITH yes everyone roll up for the faith show but make sure you check in your brain at the cloakroom with your hat and coat,quite frankly I find these reruns a drain upon sane thinking


    Maybe it's because you really want to hear it too deeply is a more likely scenario my mind is always open to positive suggestion we all are free to create our own reality, for yourself and others god has become your crutch symbol in a world controlled by negative forces, find the hero inside of you, take back the control you have given away when we throw away our crutch we realize we can walk it is only FEAR that has stopped us in the beginning carpe diem


    Hello Cucumber,
    Wow, that is quite a theory. Actually I have entertained a lot of possibilities, including atheism which I held for a some years. I found it quite narrow inits possibilities. We all see "reality" through our beliefs, theists and atheists alike. But Faith, I would maintain, is not quite the same as belief. You can have belief without faith, but not vice-versa. You can't make up faith; according to Paul, but faith does come by hearing the Word of God. You are correct about something, though. I do perceive security in God.He has never let me down yet.


    Hi Cucumber,
    You wrote:>>>I find these reruns a drain upon sane thinking>>>
    I find reruns a drain as well. You need to try a LIVING relationship with a LIVING God. The gospel isn't boring. We just don't get it. We hear it over and over and over until we can repeat it before the person even finishes. It's just a bunch of words. I agree with you that something must be wrong somewhere. I just find the "wrong" in a different place than you do. Every time I hear it, God speaks more deeply to me. But for you, it's stultifying. Maybe it's because you don't really want to hear it too deeply.


    Peace, friend. We may talk again sometime in the future.


    You go 'Cucumber'...your funny



    lol thats a joke


    thats not a joke its just that he wasent choisen no one noise



    That could be very hurtful to some people. Basically, you just called everyone who has a religion a moron. Well, I have some news for you. You are the moron for saying that. I am not saying there definitely IS a God, I am just pointing out you can't go around saying mean and hurtful things like that to people.

    Headless Man

    There is GOD and there are Morons. Anyone that looks at nature (and the closer we look the more amazing it is) and doesn't see GOD is a moron.

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