    if you wrap your stomach with saram wrap will it help you lose weight

    +2  Views: 352 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers


    Most people who report satisfaction with the results of the body wrap also go on to say that they eat a sensible diet and workout four or five times a week. Therefore, if it is necessary to diet and exercise in order to achieve your weight loss goals, why not spend that money on a gym membership, which will guarantee results, and avoid the dangers that come from having toxic plastic substances enter your skin and bloodstream? If you are diabetic, suffer from high blood pressure, are pregnant or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before using any form of body wrap.

    Dangers of Excessive Sweating

    Sweating too much can lead to dehydration which is dangerous as the sweat does not dry, but stays on the body, raising body temperature possibly to unsafe levels. Profuse sweating also leads to changes in blood chemistry, reducing blood volume and sending less oxygen to the cells. Weakness, dizziness, confusion, coma and even death can result because of excessive fluid loss. If you are having a body wrap at a spa, your attendant may not be qualified to deal with any of these reactions.

    Sure in about a hundred years. You need to exercise and reduce your calorie intake to loose weight. Making your stomach sweat isn't going to make weight float off and stay off.
    We used to go jogging in sweat suits over garbage bags when I was on the wrestling team in high school. It was very effective, but the main problem was dehydration.

    Be careful, a much easier way to do it is to be active, go for walks, and have a sensible diet. Just being active will gradually help you to loose weight and gradual is the safest way. Good luck.
    It will if you dont eat for four weeks!

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