    quiz time: who knows who snape is?

    +1  Views: 447 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I was hoping I got here before Ms. Sinclair.. but it is her!!! Snape it THe Harry Potter not quite villian teacher.... I love him!
    Ms Sinclair

    Me too, obviously (-:
    Me. Can't you tell?
    Ms Sinclair

    He is one of the most important characters in the Harry Potter series. He's a wizard who teaches potions and defense against the dark arts at Hogwarts, the wizarding school.
    I know, I know, I know! He's the teacher we all love to hate. BTW I just saw a movie with him (prior to Harry Potter days). It seemed odd to see him with a normal haircut. He was still a bad guy though.

    What was the movie.. I would love to see it.

    Jenn it was Die Hard with Bruce Willis.
    thumbs up for all the brilliant students who know snape. @@

    sweeny todd was part of a musical on "the office" -- andy was the lead (andy is ed helms)

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