    Do you feel ashame,speaking in puplic about Jesus?

    +9  Views: 1432 Answers: 22 Posted: 13 years ago

    22 Answers

    never.... "christ said you deny me and i will deny you',matthew 10:33... i really dont go around preaching.. but when the conditions call i will evanglize as well as defend...

    Sometimes I get uncomfortable listening to people that rant and rave about Jesus but I am never ashamed to speak of Him myself. It's a sin to deny Christ and God.
    I'm the bible thumping fundamentalist here, you guys let me take the heat for talking about

    If your message is simple and clear - all shall hear the glory in it.

    facebook. Your way of conversation is kind of off. You seem to have a strong ego and that's not bad, but please use it wisely.

    You asked if grammar/spelling is more important than question, I say they are as important as the point of question. I am not a native English speaker, but I always check my spelling and try my best to sound right and understandable grammatically. Why? Because it shows the respect and sincerity of your question and answer to others.

    To answer your original question, no, I am not ashamed of talking about Jesus in public, never. But I am ashamed of being a fellow christian when someone falsely uses christianity for whatever reasons, especially for their own good.
    ed shank

    Well spoken.
    No. Only if it's a mutual conversation among two or more people!

    jesus said where two or three are gathered together i am in the midst.

    no i m not shamed of Jesus and will shout it out to the world.philipians 2:10-11 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


    It gets a bit annoying if you're on the receiving end. People of faith should IMO respect others beliefs and disbeliefs. There is nothing more aggravating than listening to some stranger go on and on about Jesus, also, IMO, I think Jesus himself gets embarrassed with how some fanatics carry on in his name... I am pretty sure Jesus doesn't want you infringing on others free will.

    Am I infringing on other free will, by asking a question?

    No, you are not! I didn't say that. (you're not Jesus) I said that when a person 'jabbers' on and on about jesus they are infringing on my right to privacy and my own beliefs.. this goes for politics as well. Or any other 'in my face' preaching about anything that i don't want to hear. Some people just don't know when to quit. It's annoying when a person continues on and on with a subject that they knowingly are aware that they are pushing the limits of that person's tolerance..
    your question is fine..

    I understand what your saying I can respect your privacy.Thank you!for your ans.

    Thank you facebook. Your reply to my answer appreciated, you show dignity and understanding. :)
    Nope ......never that,I would talk until I could no more.

    No, I am not ashamed to speak about Jesus in public.  I am honored.  
    I get embarrassed for some people who talk about Him, though, because their methods and approaches are antagonistic, fire-and-brimstone, or harping.   They are wrecking balls and destroy the opportunity to possibly give someone "on the fence" a little nudge toward knowing Him better.  

    On the matter of spelling and grammar, call me a snob, if you like, because it's my opinion the better the presentation, the more likely one will be well-received, even in disagreement.  I do a lot of proofreading and editing, so it's in my nature, and I try very hard to submit "clean" copy.  It doesn't make me right, and I'm sure I make mistakes, but it's important to me.  

    Finally, I am incredulous when a member asks for an opinion,  doesn't like what he receives for an answer, then needles and badgers the person for giving an opposing opinion.  Many of us are strong-willed and opinionated, and nagging isn't going to change someone's mind. 

    t saw a sudy where it claims only 2% of christians are willing to share their faith in christ!

    Headless Man

    And every since my Harley days I thought I was a

    Hold it, Everybody. 

    You all should, at the very least, recognize that this is not a homogeneous group of people.  We have friends from all religions here, and even some without.  Why proclaim your love for your God and at the same time antagonize people of other faiths here?  I am sure your God is a merciful God, with compassion.  So why do you all get so bent out of shape when someone disagrees with you regarding this matter?  Where is the true Christian spirit? 

    The bottom line here is if your statement makes someone like Ed Shank or Vinny feel uncomfortable, then you should reevaluate the contents of your submission.  Why not try to include everybody instead of alienating them?

    Let's all abide by what all religions strive to be: to be kind.  And try to live in the spirit of Schubee and Yvonne57.  OK?




    If you feel alienate from me asking a question then it is not I that did it, you have the liberty to make your own choice.

    facebook, that is such a cop out. No responsibility 'eh? Typical Christian. It's becoming more an more clear to me that a Christian mind is a shallow mind because of the belief that Christians are the special chosen people so only they will go to heaven. Because of this they really do not have to be concerned about others who are not going to heaven according to your faith. Personally I'm tried of seeing the Christian pity parties that go on here. "Whhhaaaa, they pick on us". Pfffft, stop yapping about your religion and God so much and you won't have people giving their opinion of your religion so much. Try going to church instead of having church on this forum daily. You Christians continue to try and take this forum over and make it for only Christians. This will never happen.

    Colleen YOU are accuse me using this Forum for religious purpose,I'm sorry you took it that way,it certainly wasn't my intention,because I only ask a question which was in your power too erase it,if it displease you,is it up to me to choose for your liking.
    Headless Man

    I think it's nice to know such things as this......JMO
    No, but I waste no time listening to some psycho-babel BS on what someone else's interpretation is of religion.

    Than why did you waste your time responding to this question?
    ed shank

    It was a QUESTION was it not? And my response is the ANSWER to that question. Your really starting to rub me the wrong way. Hypocrite.

    I'm sorry you feel this way ,but I'm not hypocrite as you say,but I do feel your anger,or someone tick you off in someway.But everyone is entitle to their opinion.Again I'm sorry you feel this way,don't know why u say Hypocrite.
    ed shank

    You started this spitting contest by pulling karma points off me three times for the same question because you disagreed with an answer I gave. If you can't stand criticism your in the wrong place. Read my response to your question carefully, I make no derogatory remarks about religion, I don't appreciate how it's presented to me by others.

    I get the feeling that your in a contest,sorry I didn't take that way,I was only asking a question,I might of made a mistake by pushing the wrong key?
    ed shank

    If it was a mistake, I accept your error, as an error. So lets stop the BS and have some fun picking other peoples brains.

    I am not  a member of any church, nor do I hold with a lot their beliefs, but I do believe in an individuals right to freely express themselves and it's up to us whether or not we choose to listen

    Jesus died for me in public and I will have no problem speaking for Him

    @ facebook

    Do you remember the humble widow lady who gave offering in the temple?  She did so quietly and inconspicuously, and she was poor.  How do we know she’s poor?  How do we know she’s a widow?  Only because Jesus says so.  Somehow, Jesus knows.

    Jesus has an answer.  Jesus calls his followers together and says, “You see what this poor widow just did?  It may not look like much, but she put in more than everyone else today combined.  Everybody else gave out of what they had left over (and yes, they had plenty left over), but she out of her poverty (out of her lack!) put in everything she had, all she had to live on!”

    So what’s my point?  Humility.

    Let me explain.  Facebook, I don’t think Jesus meant for you to go screaming to the world in order to glorify His name.  Jesus was always humble.  Like the poor old lady, you don’t need to be loud to be heard, especially with regards to expressing your love for HIM.  If you feel compelled to broadcast your love for Jesus, do so quietly or at non-Christian websites such as Aljazeera.  Do it under hostile environments and see if you still possess the tenacity to do so.  Contrary to your beliefs, many of us here are not less religious than you are.  We try not to use this forum to antagonize other participants here.

    Finally, as to your grammar, personally I have no problem with the way you write.  I can say that, as a non-native English speaker, your written communication skill is much better than many Americans in this room, and the same goes with your sincerity.



    My question to you is where do you see me saying you haft to go around screaming to the world, I don't recall ever saying that.beside everything else you said was true,so why are you accuse me of wrong doing? This whole thing start by me asking a question,Sorry for me living.

    Very well spoken Chianmai...very well indeed!

    Thank you very much, Ducka. I didn't realize I wrote the comment above. :)
    Headless Man

    I didn't hear any

    Oh yes, "screaming" was a poor choice of word used. I stand corrected. Thanks, headless man, for pointing that out to us.

    A better choice of word would be "pontificating".

    No... But to be totally honest I have it easy... I live in the Bible belt. Where we pray in Schools and most ppl say prayers in public before they eat their meals. I would hope I wopuld still have that boldness if I lived somewhere else.


    It's very different outside of the Bible belt! People often get ridiculed for "being religious" as they call it. (It's evident on this forum as well.) You know...those Christians, those church goers, religious fanatics, the born-againers, on and on. You must not be offensive to those religions from other countries but Christians can be insulted daily. Doesn't make sense to me...a person's religion is what they
    I do understand that some Christians get carried away, defending their beliefs but so do some others, on this topic and more!

    Very. Why would I?

    No, I don't believe in him. Some people are not shy to stand on a soap box in public.

    That's when I feel bad for the guy and how his name gets used and abused by the loonies.

    I am more ashamed for all the believers of organized religion who try to preach what is not true. I know it is not true for good reason, my catholic preist told me, "the bible was full of shit" and that quote is straight from his mouth. I respect him for telling me the truth. Changed my whole out look on life.


    Yeah that's the answer...listen to your Catholic priest...he can be well trusted! Have you watched a news report or read a newspaper any time during the past twenty years? Open your eyes cheebz!

    Well Ducka, I have read and watched plenty of news and no where have I ever seen news reports say anything towards proving religion, if anything they more disprove it. (Maybe if I read only religious newspapers...?)
    On to beLIEving my priest, when you are born into a catholic family and then raised catholic, you are taught to listen to the all knowing priest and when that priest presents an 18 year old kid with that bit of info, how can you not expect me to lose faith in all religion. I looked into other religions and I found them all to be the same, they all have one agenda in organized religion and that is gaining money through decite.
    All religions are the same, all teach from the same bible or their version of the original bible. So if one priest told me it was a bunch of shit, then they are all full of shit.
    I have opened my eyes Ducka, and I am much happier now than I ever was growing up. I live to make myself happy, and I don't need a make beLIEve friend to do that.
    Ducka, show me hard, physical evidence of any truth in the bible and I will gladly preach it to the world, but I WILL NOT help to spred a LIE.
    Headless Man

    Maybe his dog popped on it, that's the only thing I can

    I don't because I don't.

    I used to when I was young. I was very, very shy... Now sometimes I still do, I'm still a little shy. There has always been a stigma placed on Christians most other people. We sometimes judge people by the worst examples in their group. For example suicide bombers are the worst example of a Muslim. But, that is where many of us get our opinion of Muslims....

    Headless Man

    How's things going leeroy, Haven't heard from you for a wile...

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